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Everything posted by anthonyyaco

  1. Confirmed that going to 4.0.1 and removing the paragraph lines to make iReport 4.0.1 happy with my jrxml fixed this issue.
  2. As seen in the attached PDF, when outputting to a PDF line breaks will appear with no pattern that i can find thus far. There is a variety of fields shown in the PDF from HTML styled parameter fed to fields from the sql statement and all will break at random characters. I have tried using a different font with the same results. I have noticed that when I run it from my windows machine it will do it more often than if I am running it on a linux installation with the same jasper and itext jar files. iReport 4.0.2 and the including iText jars are being used. This has been getting me for the past few days any help would be awesome. Thanks
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