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Everything posted by lucif3r

  1. Thanks, jpauze. i will try again. I am new to iReport, obviously, so $F{host_name}.length() < 11 ? "Unknown" : $F{host_name}.toUpperCase().charAt(10) == '0' ? "Found 0" :$F{host_name}.toUpperCase().charAt(10) == '1' ? "Found 1" : "Not Found" this is the expression for the textField, right, or this is the expression for Variable? I remember if it is for variable, it supposed to have "new" keyword, right?
  2. I tried. But I can not preview the report I generate. I click "preview", it will flash back to designer GUI. But if I remove this expression, it will be fine. I can preview my report normally. Very weird... Post Edited by lucif3r at 04/21/2011 04:53
  3. Errr, I did not mean Uppercase or Lowercase. I just want the output is "High" , "Mid", and "Low" In Java, the logic suppose to be like this: if field.chatAt( 7 ).equalsIgnoreCase("X") output("Low") else if field.charAt( 7 ).equalsIgnoreCase("Y") output ("Mid") else output("High") I don't know why, when I use .charAt() func, the number in quotes always underlined, marked as an error. I change the lang from Groovy to Java, but it is still there. By the way, I use iReport 4.0.1 Thanks for the reply, I will keep trying. Post Edited by lucif3r at 04/19/2011 01:00
  4. In my DB, the contents in the field will be like RMT0092X032_01AB , but I want to use charAt() func to judge the 8th character. if character is X then in report, the field is Low if character is Y, then in field is Mid if char is Z then is High in the field. Anyone can show me how to write the code? Using Scriptlet is a good option? Snytax, please. Thanks, everyone. M too green to Java....
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