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  1. Thanks! that's why i opted for expert help /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif I arrived at a somewhat clumsier solution using 4 variables it1 it2 et c , no array... here is the definition for item 3: (if item 2 is set and this key is greater than the one of item 2 we give the variable it3 the key value) Code:
  2. Hi, In my latest report i need to print a "page index" down at the bottom of the page showing the KEY values from the details printed. The detail bands are text intensive so each page will contain 2 to 4 detail items. is there a report variable to do this ? Example: (detail 1) item3 ABCDDFOJFLELE item4 QWRTPOUYT item6 LKERTYYJ;NCBNV (/detail 1) (page footer) page 2, showing item3 item4 item6 (/page footer)
  3. The reports not working for me all have Barcode4J elements, reports that work have no barcodes....
  4. Hi, i am having trouble opening one of my old reports (created in 4.0.1) in the new 4.1.1. There are no error messages, it just loops saying "loading report..." Any hints on where to start looking? (can't post the jrxml, as it is under an NDA) /Bernte
  5. svenn Wrote: You can layering items on top of each other. You could get that effect by putting a rectangle on the report and setting its background color. You can then put your fields on top of the rectangle. HAHAHA!!! I have been trying to change the pen property , i never saw the background color/tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif
  6. Hi, i want to add a shade to highlight some report fields, how can i do that ? I simply want a shaded box in the background, and then i lay out a couple of fields on top, i found no good way to do that... The objective is to closely emulate the following form ( http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/resources/documents/sad_text_en.xls ) However, the shading does not necessarily have to be green /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif Post Edited by bernte at 08/08/2011 14:09
  7. Are the resourcebundle files only needed when compiling .jrxml->.jasper or do i need to deploy the resourcebundle files to the web server in order to run precompiled reports too ?
  8. i found kind of a WorkAround.. i conditionally add 1 to PAGE_NUMBER before displaying its value. the condition is the same as the one to force a page break
  9. HI! I have a rather elaborate first page with lots of head data, that only needs printing on page 1. there is some space for a detail header and data on page one but under certain circumstances i am not allowed to print it there even if it fits physically. So how can i optionally trigger a page break to force the first detail line to go on page 2? all detail data is from a subreport.... i still want a special footer printed on page 1 too. I have had some success with the < break > element but it appears to mess up pagination. that is, the page after the page break seem to be getting $V{PAGE_NUMBER} = 1 and the total number of pages is one too little i use jasperrepoerts 4.0.1 TIA Post Edited by bernte at 05/16/2011 14:15
  10. This has been reported as a bug with version 4.0.2, downgrade to 4.0.1 for now....
  11. NVL is Oracle sql for isnull (MSSqlsvr), right? good to have in mind.... Customs and Excise threw another curveball when they expect me to do this to integer fields, which means i must re-cast. well well bullets are there for the biting, right :-)
  12. hi again, is there a means (within jasperreports) to set a text field to something else than blank or "null" when the query returns a null? isBlankWhenNull="true" just doesn't cut it for me, i want to print "N/A" in those columns and there are cases when "select isnull(myvalue,'N/A') as myvalue" has misbehaved on me with certain databases, not sure which...
  13. /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif oops, "someone" forgot to stretch the detail band enough to make it fit - problem solved!
  14. i am trying to make sense of some awkwardly structured where the detail level has many many fields, some of which may or may not have multiple values. i thought i could use the list component with a subdataset, taking parameters from the main detail dataset to do this, but i cannot make it appear, it doesent even display null values. i tried using fixed values in the query too, but still no values in the list. it should look somewhat like this, where the favorites are in a separate table using name as a parameter name likes favorites no_of _pets shoe_ size John fish cod rock halibut 0 10 Jack fruit pomegranade 1 12 Gillian meat sirloin kobe mutton flaps 5 8 where could i have gone wrong? is there a better way of doing this? can i make a subreport in a single cell ?
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