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  1. I restarted the server and everything started working again
  2. Now I can't even view the reports I made in iReports on the JasperServer that used the same data source. Other reports created from differenct data sources still work. If I click on one of the reports nothing happens and when I try to delete it I get an error message: The selected item(s) cannot be removed due to being referenced by other objects. ports/Apps_Denied_FY-to-Date Although, I can't find anything else that references it. When I try to delete the report from iReport, I get the error message as shown in the screen shot attached. I can still preview the report in iReport and the connection to the JDBC database works fine. If anyone has any ideas of why this might be happenning please share. Thank you.
  3. I am using JasperServer 3.5.1. I added a JDBC data source to the repository and created a domain using that datasource. I then created a topic using the datasource. When trying to add columns to the report, the columns were not retrieved (it would just say retrieving in the top left of the report design view). I tried to go back to the domain and edit it, but now the domain designer will not launch. When trying to create a new domain, I select the data source but it does not ask me to select a schema or allow me to do anything else on the manage data source window. I tested the data source and the connection works; I have also created reports using this data source in iReport. Also, when I select other datasources that I have in my repository I do not get this problem. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I am using iReport 4.0.2. I created a report, added it to my repository, and tried to open it in JasperServer. This resulted in an error message (screenshots attached): com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'splitType' is not allowed to appear in element 'band'. I saw a post from someone using a previous version of iReport that had the same problem, but the solutions either didn't work or were unclear. When I tried to manually remove all occurrences of splitType="Stretch" the report would not compile. The report runs fine in iReport and when I export it locally. Any suggestions? -Thanks
  5. Thank you Matt. How would I find this preference to change it, or where is the download for the Pro version?
  6. When I try to add a new server in the repository window in iReport 4.0.2 (I tried older versions as well) the organization field does not appear. When I tried to add the server without the organization field I get the error message: Error: (401)User not found with username "jasperadmin" in tenant null; nested exception is org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UsernameNotFoundException: User not found with username jasperadmin in tenant null The username is correct. I was able to use ireport 3.7.5 on a different computer and the organization field appeared, allowing me access to the server. I tried adding the server with version 3.7.5 and there was still no organization field. What am I doing wrong?
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