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Everything posted by astare

  1. Hi thangalin, thank you for the answer. Does the report Integration Framework will be integrated into Eclipse? It contains the JasperReports? Or do I have all the jar JasperReports sperate insert in my webapp? best regards
  2. Hello, could you please help me how can I implement an iReport report (. jrxml file) in a jsp java application? I have prepared the report with iReport 4.0.2 and created the web application in JSP using Eclipse IDE. On a quick answer I would be very happy when I cry for the release of my project days ago I left! Thanks in advance and best regards!
  3. Hi, can someone give me a hint how can I use a csv file as input-data in iReport 4-0-2 for creating a report? this csv file is on a local directory, not in a DB. Thank you in advance and best regards. astare
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