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  1. hmmm.. I'm not quite sure what it could be then. I'm running java so its hard for me to tell why its ignoring that. Looking at the web services guide I see a section where it is doing nested resource descriptors like so: <resourceDescriptor name="test" wsType="reportUnit" uriString="/reports/input_test" > <resourceDescriptor name="query" wsType="query" uriString="/reports/input_test/query" isNew="true"> <label>query</label> <description>query</description> <resourceProperty name="PROP_RESOURCE_TYPE"> <value>com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.Query</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceProperty name="PROP_PARENT_FOLDER"> <value>/reports/input_test</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceProperty name="PROP_VERSION"> <value>1</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceProperty name="PROP_HAS_DATA"> <value>false</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceProperty name="PROP_IS_REFERENCE"> <value>false</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceProperty name="PROP_QUERY"> <value>SELECT * FROM mlabels LIMIT 10</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceProperty name="PROP_QUERY_LANGUAGE"> <value>sql</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceDescriptor name="" wsType="datasource" uriString="" isNew="false"> <label>null</label> <resourceProperty name="PROP_REFERENCE_URI"> <value>/datasources/JServerJdbcDS</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceProperty name="PROP_IS_REFERENCE"> <value>true</value> </resourceProperty> </resourceDescriptor> </resourceDescriptor> </resourceDescriptor> If that doesn't work maybe someone else out there running php has gotten this to work
  2. You shouldn't have to, one thing you can do to rule out the query part is working or not is to specify a default query in your report. When I opened the jrxml file you didn't have a query defined. Try putting one in and test to make sure the that the report returns what you expect. Then try again adding your query property to your resource descriptor.
  3. You have two resource descriptors. You need to specify a resource property like: <resourceProperty name="PROP_QUERY"> <value>SELECT * FROM mlabels LIMIT 10</value> </resourceProperty> Code: Post Edited by mmulligan03 at 08/11/2011 14:41 Post Edited by mmulligan03 at 08/11/2011 14:43
  4. If you are doing it through web services in java it would be something like this: java.util.Map parameters = new java.util.HashMap(); parameters.put("key", "value"); then when you make your call you pass the parameters: client.runReport(currentUri, parameters); if you are running it through the web (ie URL) then just add the parameter in the url like so: http://server.company.com:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=&reportUnit=&key=value
  5. Your select statement doesn't specify but what are the names of the database columns? They have to match the names of your fields or it doesn't know how to map them and you'll end up with a blank report. Post Edited by mmulligan03 at 08/10/2011 20:28
  6. The error you are getting is because your login is invalid or you dont have permission to that table not because your sql failed. In order for your output to be formatted correctly add this imediatly after your file name: FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' ENCLOSED BY '' ESCAPED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '' STARTING BY '' example: select data from JIContentResource where id=761 into outfile "/tmp/matt.xls" FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' ENCLOSED BY '' ESCAPED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '' STARTING BY ''; hope this helps. Post Edited by mmulligan03 at 08/10/2011 17:12
  7. We currently have a scheduling package that we use to run jobs in our environment. I have been charged with trying to figure out how we can use this software to schedule our ETL jobs... The package we are using is called UC4 and here is what I know I can do so far. I know I can have an "agent" running locally on the same box as the CLI, which means I can easily have it execute telnet and commands into the cli. One of the major issues is security. After the script telnets to the CLI it has to log in to the project. 1. We cannot store passwords in our scripts. 2. We don't want to as the user for a username and password every time they try to run a job. Am I going down the right path here or is there another way to use a third party solution here.
  8. We currently have a scheduling package that we use to run jobs in our environment. I have been charged with trying to figure out how we can use this software to schedule our reports. Has anyone seen this done or tired to integrate a third party application for scheduling?
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