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Everything posted by khahn

  1. Sorry you're having a problem. The JasperReports Server Install Guide contains the correct procedure. Try using the auto-install scripts as described here:Follow the steps in this procedure to install JasperReports Server using the WAR file distribution. These installation steps use the auto-install shell scripts to carry out the installation. The auto-install scripts are supported for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. To meet prerequisites for installing the WAR file: 1. Use the Sun Java JDK 1.5 or 1.6. There are known bugs with other Java implementations such as OpenJDK. 2. Create and set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable. The target database can be on a remote server. The application server should reside on the local machine. 3. To run the auto-install script when installing to an Oracle database instance, you must have the appropriate JDBC driver version. The default JDBC driver used for Oracle tends to be specific for newer Oracle versions. If you are installing to an older version of Oracle then the newer JDBC driver can cause execution to hang. The default JDBC driver for Oracle can be seen in your buildomatic/default_master.properties file: <js-install>/buildomatic/default_master.properites (final file name and location) <js-install>/buildomatic/sample_conf/oracle_master.properties (original file) The settings for the default JDBC driver for Oracle are: # maven.jdbc.artifactId=ojdbc5 # maven.jdbc.version=11.2.0 The settings above are commented out. Nevertheless, this is the JDBC driver that is used by default. These settings are appropriate for an Oracle version 11.2 instance. If you are using Oracle 10.2, you should remove the comments from these settings and change them to: maven.jdbc.artifactId=ojdbc14 maven.jdbc.version=10.2.0 The location of the Oracle JDBC drivers is here: <js-install>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/oracle/jdbc To install the WAR file using auto-install scripts: 1. Extract all files from jasperreports-server-4.1-bin.zip. Choose a destination, such as Program Files on Windows, /home/<user> on Linux, and /Applications on Mac OSX. 2. Copy the .properties file for your database: From — <js-install>/buildomatic/sample_conf/ To — <js-install>/buildomatic 3. Rename the file you copied to default_master.properties. 4. Edit the oracle_master.properties file to add the settings that are specific to your database and your application server as shown: Sample Property Values appServerType=tomcat6 [tomcat5] appServerDir=c:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 6‡ sysUsername=sys as sysdba sysPassword=password dbUsername=jasperserver dbPassword=password dbHost=hostname The dbUsername must be the same as the Oracle user name 5. Run the auto-install scripts.The scripts are intended for the bash shell. 5a. Start your database server. 5b. Stop your application server. 5c. Open Command Prompt as Administrator on Windows or open a terminal window on Linux and Mac OSX. Make <js-install>/buildomatic your current directory: cd <js-install>/buildomatic 5d. Run the following command: Windows: js-install.bat Linux and Mac OSX: ./js-install.sh JasperReports Server, sample data, and sample databases (foodmart and sugarcrm) are installed. Or, run this command if you don’t want to include sample data and sample databases in the installation: Windows: js-install.bat minimal Linux and Mac OSX: ./js-install.sh minimal 6. Set Java JVM Options, as described in the JasperReports Server Install Guide. This step is required. To view the output log, look in this location: <js-install>/buildomatic/logs/js-install-<date>-<number>.log
  2. The Oracle/Sun JDK is the certified Java platform for JasperReports Server. JasperReports Server has known runtime issues with some versions of OpenJDK. OpenJDK is not a certified platform. Sorry.
  3. Yes, here's the report. Hope it helps, if not, I'll take your example to an expert troubleshooter. Post Edited by khahn at 09/14/2011 22:55 Post Edited by khahn at 09/15/2011 05:27
  4. Terrific news! Thanks for sharing your creative solution. And many thanks for using iReport and the JasperReports Server Plugin to solve your problem. Have a nice weekend.
  5. Thanks for trying JasperReports Server. Good news, it sounds like everything is working fine, and you just need a little information. You came to the right place. When you log into the server as an administrator, you see the Themes and Data Sources folders. You can also set permissions on the root folder. For example, log in as the sample administrator: username: jasperadmin password: jasperadmin Now, log into the server as the sample user. username: joeuser password: joeuser The Themes and Data Sources folders are hidden from users. The Permissions menu-item on the root folder is hidden from users. Attached is a chapter from the JasperReports Server Community Project User Guide for Release 4.1. I think you'll find it useful even though you're using Release 4.0.
  6. Please tell me the step number in my instructions that you're referring to. Thanks.
  7. Thanks for your interest in trying the Interactive Viewing sample, webapp-repo. I downloaded jasperreports 4.1.1 and was able to sort the table. Here are the steps I followed using Windows 7, Apache Ant 1.8.1 (1.8.0 is ok), and Tomcat 6: 1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator, change directory to JasperReports\jasperreports-4.1.1\demo\hsqldb, and run this command: ant runServer This starts the sample database. 2. In a text editor, open build.properties in JasperReports\jasperreports-4.1.1\demo\samples\webapp-repo . Here's how I set my properties: tomcat.host = localhost tomcat.port = 8080 tomcat.home = C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 6.0 jasperreports.ant.file = C:\\Users\\<my login name>>\\Desktop\\JasperReports\\jasperreports-4.1.1 3. Open another Command Prompt as administrator, change directory to JasperReports\jasperreports-4.1.1\demo\samples\webapp-repo, and run these commands: ant -p ant clean ant prepare ant javac ant war 4. Copy the jasperreports.war file in the webapp-repo directory to the webapps directory on Tomcat. 5. Restart the Tomcat service. 5. Open a browser and enter this URL: http://localhost:8080/jasperreports/ 6. Click repository on the nav bar. 7. Click /reports/TableReport in the Reports list. Click ID, Name, or Street columns to sort them. See attached screenshots. Does this help? Post Edited by khahn at 08/29/2011 20:14 Post Edited by khahn at 08/29/2011 20:17
  8. I installed jasperreports-server-pro-3.7.1-windows, added the same report that has the List component in the Summary band, and got the same output, not truncated. I don't want to discourage you from upgrading /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif but doing so to solve the List truncation might be disappointing.
  9. I was able to use the webapp-repo sample in JasperReports 4.1.1 that demonstrates how to sort the table using Interactive Viewing. I listed the steps that worked for me on the JasperReport's forum. Post Edited by khahn at 08/26/2011 17:06 Post Edited by khahn at 08/29/2011 20:26
  10. I was able to put a multi-page list using the List component in the summary band and run the report in JasperReports Server, so your problem might not be bug-related. Attached is a PDF of the list in the summary band and the screenshots of the list in the server output. I started with the JasperReports List sample Added a List to the summary band Added a subdataset to the report Added query similar to the main query Used report connection parameterIf you want more details, just let me know. Hope this helps. Post Edited by khahn at 08/25/2011 19:40 Post Edited by khahn at 08/25/2011 22:30
  11. Our software architect says it's a bug that you see Domains listed in the JasperServer dialog with data sources when you are linking a data source to a report. Yes, enhancing the Domain feature as you describe would be a mighty feature. To answer your question about how to suggest this feature, you can log bugs and enhancements here on the forge. Click Tracker, and select Report Issue. In the drop-down, you can select reporting a bug or a feature enhancement. I'll also log your issues in our internal tracking system. Thanks. Regarding your problem, you re-use the reports of the parent company by linking the reports to a custom data source that exposes the sub-company data, not including the parent company's data.
  12. Sorry, I was looking at a revised version of the Web Services Guide. The revised Guide lists these JARS: If you use Java, Jaspersoft recommends that you familiarize yourself with the plugin’s source code. The following JARS can help you understand how best to implement your own web services client. The iReport plugin JAR: <js-install>\ireport\ireport\modules\com-jaspersoft-ireport-jasperserver.jar Its dependencies, located in <js-install>\ireport\ireport\modules\ext, are: js_activation-1.1.jar js_axis-1.4patched.jar js_commons-codec-1.3.jar js_commons-discovery-0.2.jar js_commons-httpclient-3.1.jar js_jasperserver-common-ws-3.5.0.jar js_jaxrpc.jar js_mail-1.4.jar js_saaj-api-1.3.jar js_wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar
  13. Thanks for bringing up this valuable topic and sending the screenshot. I see your point. If you select the Domain on the Link a Data Source to the Report page, and provide a compatible query, it seems like it should work. Let me work on this and get back to you with more information. Thanks again.
  14. Carl, have you looked at the JasperReports Configuration Reference section about the Stretch Sample? http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/stretch/index.html Also, there are list, stretch, and text JasperReport samples that I bet would answer your question if you opened them in iReport. Post Edited by khahn at 08/24/2011 01:27
  15. Do you want to upload or create a JasperReport on the JasperReports Server? If so, please see the JasperReports Server User Guide for instructions on how users log into the server from the network and view the repository. Or, do you want to create a web application and embed the JasperReport? If so, please see the Web Application Sample in JasperReportsjasperreports-4.0.1demosampleswebapp.The sample Web application shows how to use the JasperReports library on a client/server network. You can see how to generate reports on the server side using Java Server Pages or Java Servlets and how to view them on the client side, either by using Java Applets or by exporting them to PDF, HTML, XLS or RTF format. Post Edited by khahn at 08/23/2011 23:10
  16. Thanks for your patience in waiting for a reply. The Domain is a virtual view of the data source that you can provide to your users who want to build reports themselves. You can design the Domain to limit the data that these users can access to build their reports. Your case is different, I think. The reports already exist and you want to use the Domain to link a filtered data set to the reports. I don't think you can use the Domain in this way.
  17. Sorry I do not have a direct answer for you. JasperReports Server relies on the JasperReports library as its content rendering engine. The best information about fonts and PDF export is: jasperforge.org/uploads/publish/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/samples.html and jasperforge.org/uploads/publish/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/sample.reference.html JasperReports Server can use any fonts that are available to its JVM as logical or physical fonts. When exporting the report to PDF, if the report includes fonts that the PDF viewer doesn’t recognize, or if the report requires fonts that your users do not have on their computers, you must embed the font in the PDF file itself. To embed a font, edit the report’s main JRXML file. The TTF (True Type Font) file that the report references must be available to the server at runtime. To ensure that JasperReports Server has the correct font, upload the font to the repository by creating a file resource. Then, the report can refer to the font’s URI in the repository.
  18. Which version of JasperReports Server are you using? The steps you describe don't match the 4.0 or later documentation. If you use version 4.0 or later, please look at the JasperReports Server User Guide. Search the PDF for Romanian resource bundle to find instructions. Ignore the sections about adding the scriptlet and input controls. Just upload the JRXML, the English resource bundle, and the other language resource bundle. Hope this helps.
  19. Sorry you had trouble finding the jar. If you installed the Pro or the Community Project version of JasperReports Server 4.1, you already have it if you installed the iReport bundled with the server. Please look in the JasperReports Server install directory. You will find the com-jaspersoft-ireport-jasperserver.jar in the ireport/ireport/modules directory. In the ireport/ireport/modules/ext directory, you will find the other jars discussed in the Web Services Guide. If you didn't install iReport, let us know and we'll find a solution to the problem. Thanks for your interest in working with the server. Post Edited by khahn at 08/23/2011 00:25 Post Edited by khahn at 08/23/2011 00:47 Post Edited by khahn at 08/23/2011 00:48 Post Edited by khahn at 08/23/2011 00:49
  20. JasperReports Server is designed to be application server- and database-neutral, so you should be able to use Sybase Adapter Server Enterprise 15 as the database. The binary installer and auto-install scripts are not neutral. You would have to install the WAR file distribution and manually create the JasperReports Server database (the repository for reports). We could provide examples of how to manually build the database for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and DB2. We haven't tested an installation using Sybase Adapter Server Enterprise 15, so we can't provide examples for your database. Sorry. I wouldn't be surprised if you run into a configuration issue that could be solved, but not without investing some troubleshooting time and effort. The application server has to be on the same computer as JasperReports Server. Before you install the JasperReports Server WAR file distribution on your computer, you need to install one of the supported application servers (Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish). We recommend Tomcat.
  21. You can specify multiple values for input parameters using the ampersand (&); for example: Code:http://<host>:<port>/<context>/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/SalesbyCity&city=Amsterdam&city=Rotterdam
  22. If you install the JDK, you don't need the JRE. Is the Sybase Adapter Server Enterprise just an RDBMS or does it also function as the application server?
  23. If you use one of the JasperReports Server 4.1 installer executables, such as jasperreports-server-cp-4.1.0-windows-x86-installer.exe, and you accept the default options to install the bundled Tomcat and MySQL (recommended), you do not need to install the JRE or the JDK. The installer installs the JRE that it needs. If you use one of the 4.1 installer executables, but you want to use your own Tomcat or MySQL instead of the bundled products, you do not need to install the JRE or JDK. If you want to use a supported application server instead of Tomcat or you want to use a supported database other than MySQL, you need to install the WAR file distribution. The scripts that Jaspersoft provides to install the WAR file require the JDK. In this case, you need to install the JDK.
  24. Hi, please try Parent instead of Blank. To reproduce your problem and the solution: 1. Create a crude report in iReport with a hyperlink. The iReport hyperlink properties are: Hyperlink target -- Parent Hyperlink type -- Reference, Hyperlink Reference Expression -- "http://www.google.com" See attached image 1. 2. Publish the report to the server. 3. Create a dashboard with the crude report and another report. 4. Preview the report in the Dashboard Viewer. See image 2. 5. Click the hyperlink. The entire tab of Jaspersoft:Dashboard content is replaced by the Google content. See image 3.
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