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Everything posted by tranquoctu1988

  1. Can I enable or disable "Text - control : Wrap text" check box in Excel with Jasper report 4.0.1 ? If it can be, please show me the way how i can apply it. Thank for any suggestion. PS: teodord, may you give me a confirmation about this feature in excel exporter? It really urgent. Post Edited by tranquoctu1988 at 05/13/2011 03:34 Post Edited by tranquoctu1988 at 05/13/2011 03:35
  2. I set this property as you suggest but XLSX export still split my data into 2 cell if its column width is too low. Did i do something wrong or lost something important? Thank you so much. Quoc Tu Tran
  3. After a year, Jasper report has supported this feature? Can I enable or disable "Text - control : Wrap text" check box in Excel? Thank for any suggestion.
  4. Hi everyone, I've tried to use sub report at Group Footer Band. Everything are good when i using PDF exporter but when i change to XLSX export it will auto merging cell in my report. I tried to set all parameter i can find in Excel exporter but it's not work: exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE, Boolean.TRUE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_IGNORE_GRAPHICS, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_IGNORE_GRAPHICS, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_REMOVE_EMPTY_SPACE_BETWEEN_ROWS, Boolean.TRUE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_REMOVE_EMPTY_SPACE_BETWEEN_COLUMNS, Boolean.TRUE); My report and sub report have the same column number and the same column width. I'm sorry about my bad English skill! Can you give me an advice to fix this problem????? Thank you so much.
  5. Hi everyone, I don't know how to create a report with multiple data type. For example: i have a field A: with value type is Double but sometime the value will be change to a String like "abc". I tried to convert all data type to String but with Excel exporter it will generate a report with wrong format cell at this column and i can not sum or do any formula with this column because excel understand it as String. A 0.01 1.11 Don't have value 0.5 May you give an advice for this situation? I'm so sorry about my bad English skill. Post Edited by tranquoctu1988 at 04/26/2011 02:42
  6. Hi all, I am a beginner in Jasper Report and i can not solve my problem in 3 days. There is my problem: I have a table data which will export to pdf like this Name Birth Email A B C 22/02/2002 abc@mail.com A B C 22/02/2002 abc@mail.com A B C 22/02/2002 abc@mail.com The table bottom border only display at the end of table. If report split table into multi page, its bottom border will be displayed at bottom of every page. I try to create a column which will display value of PAGE_NUMER or PAGE_COUNT variable and group by this column but it not work in multi page report. When i detect, i found PAGE_NUMER and PAGE_COUNT variable value is correct, but the group in this column is not work, they still know all of my report is one group. Can you help me solve my problem???? Thank you so much.
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