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Everything posted by radhikasharda

  1. hi! When are we going to have a comment facility in Jasper reports? Its really bothering issue comments get deleted. I am new to iReport and when I made something as a comment , to my surprise it got lost. I thought as if I hade done something wrong. But when I searched in then came to know about comments being not supported in ireports. I hope we will get this requirement fixed very soon.
  2. Hi! Dorins Thank you so much. I really appreciate the quick response from you. I have applied accordingly and its working fine. Infact I too had this idea of applying an image as a background theme/color , Since I am using the iReport for the first time didn't knew how to do that. Thanks for your time & support. Post Edited by radhikasharda at 04/06/2011 06:48
  3. Hi! I am new to iReport and I am using iReport 4.0.1. I had opened a pre-written .jrxml file into iReport to add background color to output pdf file. May I know if it is possible to add background color to pdf and if it is, would you please tell me how to do that? Also I wanted to know about the BACKGROUND band and its uses. As I have read in the book iReport 3.7 by Shamsuddin Ahammad on page 41. Background--> Is used for setting a page background. For example, we may want a watermark image for the report pages. Thanks Radhika
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