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Everything posted by jaspermadhu

  1. Ok! Found a way to accomplish this! The rows are usually printed in the Detailsband.At the end of the details band, where you need a page break, add a pagebreak.In the pageBreak's properties, edit the printWhen Expression from the properties pane.The expression will benew java.lang.Boolean((int)($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue())%10==0) where 10 is the number of records per page. This is how it is done in iReports. The jrxml equivalent for people directly editing the file is as below. <break> <reportElement x="0" y="23" width="100" height="1"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new java.lang.Boolean((int)($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue())%10==0)]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement></break>[/code]
  2. Ok! Found a way to accomplish this! The rows are usually printed in the Details band. At the end of the details band, where you need a page break, add a pagebreak. In the pageBreak's properties, edit the printWhen Expression from the properties pane. The expression will be new java.lang.Boolean((int)($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue())%10==0) where 10 is the number of records per page. This is how it is done in iReports. The jrxml equivalent for people directly editing the file is as below. new java.lang.Boolean((int)($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue())%10==0)
  3. How can I set the column names in from excel sheet can any one help
  4. Hi can Any one help me to use cross tabs
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