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  1. What I did was: I created all the fields first. And then go to Report Query, select "plsql". Use below as query: {call my_stored_proc($P{parameter1},$P{ORACLE_REF_CURSOR})} If you have a lot of fields in the output like I did, you can use a trick to create the fields. Choose "SQL" first in Report Query window, and wirte a dummy select statment with all the fields you need from the tables (the same as the columns in the stored proc output cursor.) Then click "Read Fields". That will create all the fields you need. And then you change query language to "plsql", and call the stored proc as above.
  2. Thank you very much for your reply. Since the one I'm testing is a function, exec syntax doesn't work. If I change the function to a stored procedure, with output parameter of a cursor. Then how do I use the cursor result set? Is there a way to do it in iReport like in Actuate e.ReportDesigner. Acutate automatically maps each column in a result set to a different field. For example, myStoredProc has an input parameter "myid", an output cursor parameter "myrecord". How do I use it in iReport Designer?
  3. Hello, I'm new here, really need some help. Could you please let me know what your function returns? My function returns a sys_ref_cursor. Will it work? In the Report query window, I entered "select myfunction(...) from dual", after I click the button "Read Fields", it gives me one field of type OracleResultSet. How do I get the fields/columns in the result set so I can use in the report design? B.T.W. The syntax "call myfunction(...)" doesn't work for me. Thank you.
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