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  1. We tried but its not working. Please reply its very urgent. Post Edited by vijai123 at 11/10/2011 15:29
  2. I tried the PDF encoding by using the below code JRProperties.setProperty("net.sf.jasperreports.default.pdf.encoding", "Cp1253"); But the charcters in the PDF are overlaaping if I use that code. Post Edited by vijai123 at 11/09/2011 14:02
  3. when I view the report in JasperViewer , greek language characters are displaying properly but if I saved it to .PDF the greek characters are not displaying.I don't know how to solve this issue. We are using JasperReports 4.0.1 version and using UTF-8 format. Please reply its very urgent.
  4. I have created a table with dynamic rows . Assume cloumn A , Column B and Column C are there. If the table row has reached the bottom of the page, if the cloumn A has lot of text then it automatically wraps the text(Page 1) and move it to the second page and then print the remaining text(Page 2) .So Column B and Column C values were there in both of the pages. How can I remove the dupicate values?
  5. Thanks for the reply it's working fine now. I have 2 more problems regarding dynamic tables, Problem 1 : Refer Columnwrapping.jpg In this only particular column is wrapping automatically to the second page.I need to display that row in the second page automatically if the length of the data exceeds. Problem 2 : Refer SeparteTableheader.jpg In this table row header is alone displaying in the page 1 and rest of that is displaying in the page 2.I need to display the title,subtitle and table in the next page if the height is not enough in the first page. Post Edited by vijai123 at 09/30/2011 09:16 Post Edited by vijai123 at 09/30/2011 09:19
  6. Please send the reply for the problem.......Its very urgent.......
  7. Its not working properly . If I use this ($V{REPORT_COUNT} - 1) then it will display the 1st datasource only.
  8. Thanks for the response. I have tried that option but it didn't work.I have pasted the code below. subReportData = new ArrayList<Object>(); subReportData.add(subReportDS1); //DataSource 1 subReportData.add(subReportDS2); //Data Source 2 sampleParameters.put("table_B_datasources", subReportData); sampleParameters.put("REPORT_COUNT", 0); Its displaying any one table based on the REPORT_COUNT index.
  9. I need to create a report with dynamic tables. I am using two subreports,it consists two different tables(Assume Table A in subreport1 and Table B in subreport 2). Both tables will have dynamic rows , Table A will display only one time . Table B will come under the Table A.Table B will come many times ie n mumber of tables. For Table B I am trying to use multiple datasources .I don't know how to use the multiple datasources using single subreport. Is it possible to use multiple datasources in single subreport?If it is possible then please provide me the solution. I have also attached the screenshot for that. Post Edited by vijai123 at 08/20/2011 10:49
  10. Hi, Is it possible to customize the JasperViewer?If it is possible then tell me 1)How to change the title name of the jasperviewer.(By default it is JasperViewer). 2)How to view all the pages in the report by scrolling.(By default we can move to next page by clicking the arrow button).
  11. Thanks for the reply... I already got the output for pdf exporter.I need to print the report in the java report viewer.(Please use only java). Its very urgent.... Post Edited by vijai123 at 03/22/2011 09:33
  12. Hi, I have to create a static data in page 1 of the report which includes page header,column header,detail and page footer.And in the next page (i.e page 2) i have to create dynamic data which includes page header and detail.(Depends upon the data it will automatically create 3rd page) I have created the reports for both static and dynamic data sepaerately(static.jrxml and dynamic.jrxml) but i don't know how to merge the both files and print the data in the report viewer.(I have tried with pdf viewer but the static data displays in page 1 ,page 2 is empty,page 3 and 4 contains dynamic data).I don't want to leave the page 2 as empty instead of that dynamic data should be dsiplayed in the page 2). Please give any idea or sample program which will solve the above problem....
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