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Everything posted by f_chas01

  1. Be aware of where you define your roles and which organization you assign your user to. - check if the user has the default ROLE_USER (as already said) - check whether you changed the access rights for ROLE_USER - check which organization your user is assigned to (the user may not be able to see parts of the repository in case he is assigned to an organization which is not at the very top hierarchy level - check whether you explicitly forbid the read access to some folders within the Repository but also explicitly allow acces on some neasted folders/ressources within this forbiden folder. In this case the user will not be able to see the folder and its content although he he has explicitly accesss to but he will be still able to find them via search function. Post Edited by f_chas01 at 05/03/2011 07:12
  2. Thank you for your response. I am a little bit familiarized with the theme concept. What I am wondering about are the JasperServer non-related elements on this screenshot: the vertical menu on the left and the horizontal one under the header. I do understand how to manage existing elements via css but there are other elements as well. What is the technic for doing this kind of modifications? Post Edited by f_chas01 at 04/20/2011 06:56
  3. There is an example in the promotion video "Jaspersoft 4- What's New" showing a complex example of GUI customization. Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about: http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/4453/successmarketing.png Here is my question. Can anybody just briefly name the steps required to do such a customization. I do not need a tutorial but the understanding of which components has to be modified in which order. I would very appriciate any response.
  4. I resolved the problem if you could even call it a problem. Just be sure you have the right understanding of the repository concept. If you change the theme as a superuser on the root level of the repository then this theme would become a default theme. One can set the theme for an organization individually. That can be done either by someone who have superuser role or an administrator role for the given organization. PS: jasperadmin != superuser. To put it simple: jasperadmin is the admin of certain organization. superuser is the admin for the whole server and all its organization. JasperReports-Server-Admin-Guide Documentation contains a detailed information on this topic Post Edited by f_chas01 at 04/14/2011 09:05
  5. I managed to set the new theme on the login screen when you connect first to the server (after custom theme was set as active). But there is still the Problem with logging off. It seems that in the moment when you log off the default theme is used automatically. I did compare the source html code of the login pages while connected for the first time and after logging off to see which css are used. When logged in for the first time (My cutom theme does contain all css from the default theme): jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/theme.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/pages.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/containers.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/buttons.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/lists.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/controls.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/dataDisplays.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/pageSpecific.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/D967959B/dialogSpecific.css (D967959B must be the folder in my repository where my custom theme is stored) After logging of (while the custom theme still set as active): jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/theme.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/pages.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/containers.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/buttons.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/lists.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/controls.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/dataDisplays.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/pageSpecific.css jasperserver-pro/_themes/2878DD8E/dialogSpecific.css (2878DD8E must be the folder in my repository where the default theme is stored) I can not find any solution for this problem. Does somebody have a hint for me? Post Edited by f_chas01 at 03/23/2011 09:45
  6. In the official guide for using themes in JasperServer 4.0 it is said, that the active theme is applied to the login page (see p.5 jasperforge.org/uploads/mwiki/5/5a/JaspersoftThemes.pdf ) In fact I see the default theme applied on login page in both cases 1) logging off the current user 2) connecting to the JasperServer after starting the service Is there a reason for it?
  7. Wrong forum. Please move the topic to: JasperServer Discussion/Help It seems that the location or the format of the JasperSoft logo (at the top left corner) has been changed with 4.0.x I tried to find the file for changing it but could not. Previously it was stored in jasperserver-pro/images. The folder does not exist anymore. I spent some time searching for the file but simply could not find it. Does anybody know where is the logo file now or how to change it? Although there are some solutions by creating new themes (http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=85420). I am wondering if there is a simple way to do it? Post Edited by f_chas01 at 03/21/2011 15:24
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