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Everything posted by mschraudolph

  1. I´m accessing a JasperServer from my PHP-App using REST. The rendered reports in HTML format are very small. Googling the problem showed, there is a parameter ZOOM_RATIO, that can be set via Java by something like parameters.put(JRHtmlExporterParameter.ZOOM_RATIO, 1.5F); I dont know anything about the "Java way" of accessing JS so i have no clue, where/how to set this parameter when accessing JS the way I do. Can this export param be set inside the report itself or by using a magic parameter when rendering via REST...? Thanks in advance Markus
  2. Thank you, marinol. That was my problem, too. After removing the asterisks my script works. Markus
  3. I can only confirm montexristos´ results: * i wrote a small script that successfully logs into my local jasperserver * it then creates a report from the Employee-example using PUT and using the session cookie i got from step 1 (seems to work, because I get back a uuid) * the script then tries to GET the report (still using session cookie) the last step fails saying "Report not found (uuid not found in session)" I have no idea what goes wrong. Below you find the tomcat logs for the three steps (btw: the log looks strange to me, when it has a error level ERROR or WARN for actions that seen to have success.,,,) Any idea or working sample code? I could post my php code, if you like,,, Thanks, Markus Code:2012-01-05 04:17:46,233 WARN LoggerListener,http-8080-2:60 - Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@b364: RemoteIpAddress: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1; SessionId: null2012-01-05 04:17:46,394 ERROR GetService,http-8080-3:234 - Exporter params: [is Using Images To Align, Images URI, Images Map Object, JasperPrint Object, OutputStream Object]2012-01-05 04:17:46,394 ERROR GetService,http-8080-3:356 - Format requested: HTML HTML2012-01-05 04:17:46,394 ERROR GetService,http-8080-3:364 - imagesMap : [img_0_0_0]2012-01-05 04:17:46,394 ERROR GetService,http-8080-3:375 - Adding image for HTML: img_0_0_0, type: image/png
  4. Hi Tony, i followed your hint and did a svn checkout --username anonymous http://jasperforge.org/svn/repos/jasperserver but the example files didnt look very different to the ones from the current stable version. I hoped to see them using the SOAP client built into PHP 5, but they still seem to use the external PEAR Library for SOAP. Do you have any newer examples? Posting them here would be a really great help for me (and a lot of other people i think) Thanx in advance, Markus
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