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Everything posted by pivolo

  1. Hi all, among the samples that come with version 4.0.1 of JasperReports source, there is one very interesting for me, "htmlcomponent", I have been testing the sample, modifying the parameters that are passed to the report. The problem I've found to use it, is that when generating a pdf, if the html included in the htmlContentExpression is lengthy, does not fit into the htmlcomponent's height , so the pdf generated doesn't look fine. Would It be possible to have the same behavior can be obtained for the component "text field" with "Stretch with overflow" property to true?, ie, if the text is too large the component height es dinamically increased, so that the pdf may be printed in several pages. I would be willing to try in implementing that feature by myself, but I'd be grateful to obtain some guidance, I am a bit lost. Sorry by my english Thanks in advance.
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