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Everything posted by ebuild

  1. Hi, For multiples reports, I have a scriptlet that calls many web services, the calls are done under afterReportInit() method to fill couples of hashMap which in turn are used in the reports, the problem is that web services calls are performed at every report generation which results in very low performance. I'm looking for a workaround to make thoses web services calls done once for all reports. Thanks for any tips Note that reports are deployed on JasperServer Post Edited by ebuild at 10/10/2011 16:34 Post Edited by ebuild at 10/10/2011 16:41
  2. I just came up with a rule: USE ONE DETAIL BAND FOR EACH SINGLE TABLE Post Edited by ebuild at 05/18/2011 13:31
  3. Hi, I'm having a problem with table component that may overfrlow the band detail, iReport is not able to generate the report if the band is overflowed by the table(iReport keeps displaying "(Generating report)" ), is there any tips on how to span table over multiples pages. Thanks
  4. Thanks for your reply. Actually, I have already come across the thread you gave, the situation in not the same as I'm using the version 4.0.0 of iReport
  5. Hi, Some of report details need to be issued from a web service, is there a way to call a web service with parameters. Thanks in advance
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