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  1. I would like to create a style which in English would read: If the value of the field I am in is less than zero, change the color to RED Then when I apply that style to 10 number fields, I do not have to create a conditional style for each field. If I had 3 fields, named "MEXICO_PROFIT", "USA_PROFIT", "CANADA_PROFIT", I currently see needing 3 conditional styles: MEXICO_PROFIT_STYLE $F{MEXICO_PROFIT} < 0 foreground RED USA_PROFIT_STYLE $F{USA_PROFIT} < 0 foreground RED CANADA_PROFIT_STYLE $F{CANADA_PROFIT} < 0 foreground RED What I want is something like this, which I could apply to any numeric field: NEGATIVE_RED_STYLE $F{*} < 0 In this case $F{*} means the current field. In Java you have the "this" object to get yourself, is there no way inside a conditional style expression to get the field where the style is being applied to?
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