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Everything posted by kburns

  1. Right now when a normal user creates a schedule they can see it and so can the admin. However when an admin creates a schedule it is only viewable by the admin. Is there anyway around this? I would like regular users to view (and hopefully edit) admin schedules. Also, I'm running JasperServer 4.5.1. Thanks
  2. I have an input control that is a single select list of values. Let's call it answer, and the choices are: 1. Name/Label = "Yes", Value = 1 2. Name/Label = "No", Value = 0 $P{answer} will display the selection's value (either 1 or 0). How can I display the selection's name/label? (either "Yes" or "No")
  3. I have a dropdown input control where the user selects a number 1 to through 10. Lets call the parameter $P{myNumber}. I've tried having $P{myNumber} as both {{java.lang.String}} and {{java.lang.Integer}}. Inside my query I'd like to use datediff. Normally I would do something like this to get today's date minus 5 datediff(dd,5,convert(varchar,getdate(),101)) Now I'd like to use $P{myNumber}. For example: datediff(dd,$P{myNumber},convert(varchar,getdate(),101)) Has anyone done this kind of thing? I can't get it to work, and as I said, I've with $P{myNumber} as both {{java.lang.String}} and {{java.lang.Integer}}, and also using the ".intValue()"
  4. Hi mgeise - I am not entirely sure what the phrase "Domain Report" means in jasper, but I assume it is a report created in iReport that runs on a remote server. Is this correct? And if so, this is basically what iReport is intended for, right? I found a work around that involves manually editing the JRXML file and changing <queryString> and <field>'s <queryString> <![CDATA[select zxcv from dfgh where $X{IN, dfgh, dfgh}]]> </queryString> <field name="asdf" class="java.lang.String"/> This works, but its an ugly hack and this feels like the kind of functionality that iReport is intended to do, but maybe I am missing something here? (very likely :-) I created a support ticket for this and it was flagged as a bug/defect, so we'll see where they go from here.
  5. I'm running JasperServer 4.5, and getting this error when I click "Read Fields". Error:Sourced file:inline evaluation of: `` my.customzied.java.class '': Class: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.impl.client.MetadataUserDetails not found in namespace I don't think this has anything to do with my.customzied.java.class because I have no problem displaying that parameter in the title/page header. Any ideas? What am I missing?
  6. Hey there. I have an implementation of the jasper web services that uses a common jquery datepicker calendar. Problem is that our production servers live in Texas on CST, but I am in DC on EST. My web browser sends 12/6/11 12:00 AM EST (midnight) and it is interpreted as 12/5/11 11:00 PM CST by the jasper server. Any recommended ways to fix this? Should I send the local browser's timezone as a parameter to my web services code?
  7. I wanted to set a variable in the jasperreports.properties that will apply globally to all reports. however it did not work. Here is what I did... 1. Shutdown tomcat 2. Add the following line in WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.propertiesnet.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.white.page.background=false 3. Restart tomcat Am I missing something? I should not need to re-compile/re-deploy, right?Thanks!
  8. When I export to XLSX my dates (java.sql.Timestamp) are left blank. The text field's expression class is set to java.sql.Timestamp. However when the expression class is java.lang.String this works: new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").format($F{start_date}) Any idea why this is happening? Is this a known issue? I am using JasperReport Server Professional 4.0.1 and iReport Designer 4.0.
  9. Also - Set property: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.white.page.background = FALSE
  10. To answer my own question, I implemented like so. JasperPrint print = client.runReport(rd, reportInputMap); .... bunch of code .... JRAbstractExporter myExporter; .... bunch of code .... myExporter = new JRXlsExporter(); response.setContentType("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); myExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, response.getOutputStream()); myExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, print); myExporter.exportReport();
  11. Only post this in the hope it can help others who come across this problem. I've discovered that the whited out column/row lines can be eliminated by make all elements OPAQUE = FALSE. This makes sense, but the puzzling thing is that I didn't see this when exporting to XLSX.
  12. After playing with my reports I realize that this happens when the report has a small number of rows. How many rows does it take? Or is it caused by pixel size? Maybe the size of the page height?I have no idea, but would really appreciate anyone's input on this.
  13. Hey everyone - I've come across a problem with my web services implementation where I get a "HTTP Status 404 - result 'null' not found" when I try to export an XLS file that has the first page blank. This only happens witgh XLS and only with the first page. Has anyone come across this?
  14. Could this have to do with differences in version of the Apache POI library? I am using poi-3.7-20101029.jar How can I figure out which version JasperReports uses?
  15. First off I am working with version 4.0.1. So far I have come across these differences when comparing the JasperServer browser interface and my Web Services implementation. XLSX files 1. My integration has the report padding (10px on the top, bottom, left, right) but the server interface does not. XLS files 1. My integration displays whited out column/row lines where the server interface does not 2. My integration shows ".15%" where the server interface shows "0.0015". I thought these format settings were part of the report as defined in iReport and I would not need to explicitly set when exporting. Has anyone come across this problem? When my code exports the files, where can I find these settings and how can I set them?
  16. I'd like to clean up the structure of my repository because its become quite bogged down. Part of this is changing report ids (URI). iReport won't let me do this with the properties dialog. Is there anyway to do this on from within JasperServer? Or perhaps there is a trick within iReport that I am missing?
  17. Looks like this feature if only available in the Enterprise edition, and I am working with Professional :-( I don't need a thorough audit. I'd just like to know how often a report is being run. Don't need to know who runs it and what params they are using. Does anyone know if there are specific log files I can look at that might give some insight into this?
  18. I have a report with two subreports. The first subreport is very short, the second one is quite long. I would like the exported spreadsheet to have a single sheet/tab for each of these two subreports. In the main report's layout, the two subreports separated by a page break. When I export (or just view the html in the browser), the page break appears after the first subreport, but the second one is then chopped into several more pages (because its very long). Now I could make the main report a million pixels in height, but that would be an ugly hack making the first subreport appear with data in the first 10 rows and followed by thousands of empty rows. How can I fix this? (It is driving me mad.) Post Edited by kburns at 09/07/2011 21:49
  19. I'd like to do an audit of our report system and figure out what reports are being used and how often. Does jasper have any admin features that can do this?
  20. I'd like to do an audit of our report system and figure out what reports are being used and how often. Does jasper have any admin features that can do this?
  21. I'll be a bit more specific on my scenario. I have an interger input and have successfully used the "Minimum Value" and "Maximum Value". So minimuj = 5, maximum = 7. The input has to be either 5, 6, or 7. That make sense. So now I would like to have a date input. And the maximum date they can choose should be today. My question is: How can I do this? The integer stuff was pretty self explanatory, but as usual no documentation exists on this. Surely someone has used this feature. Any ideas?
  22. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Anyone done this?? Post Edited by kburns at 08/12/2011 18:50
  23. brooneyx1 Wrote: I suggest that you export all the jrxml files and then use linux tools like grep, sed, etc to make the changes. Then import them back into place. I always keep a exact copy of the jrxml files on disk (subversion or csv), then these changes are much easier to do. Unfortunately I do not yet have mine in a code repository. Is there an easy way to export all reports to jrxml files all at once?
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