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Everything posted by sanbez

  1. Is fields "Number of Transaction" and "Cost" presents in one table, and Paid in other table ? Then you may use subreports. In main report query like this: select id, NumberOfTransaction, Cost from tableTransactions In main report add subreport with query on table2 (for example tablePaid). Pass tableTransaction.id into subreport as parameter ($P{transactId}) (value=$F{id} from main report). In subreport query like this: select paid from tablePaid where tablePaid.transactionId=$P{transactId} In subreport calc sum for $F{paid} and return this value into main report (for example $V{paidSum)). In main report make two variables: $V{costMain} - it's sum on $F{cost} and $V{paidAllSum} on $V{paidSum} (returning from subreport). Put $V{costMain} and $V{paidAllSum} in summary of main report. I am don't remember clear using sum on variable (it's for sum $V{paidAllSum} in main report). But I think this way (using subreport) is more "clear and right" then attempts using old value in transaction, what you want. IMHO. :) HTH
  2. Thanks for answer :) , but I'am can't see this :)))) Not in Firefox 16.0, not in Google Chrome 23.0.1271.97 m In e-mail i got advice "To view your answer, click here [1]" , but I cant click here :))
  3. Why I am can't see answers on some questions? For example http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802093/splitting-pie-chart http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802101/ireport http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802077/where-print-charts-cross-tabshow-do-formatting-cross-tab-field But in this questions I am see answers http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802066/jasperserver-not-refreshing-data-change-database http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802063/how-report-outer-join What is the difference between the answers? Tested on 19.12.2012 15:46 (Moskow time)
  4. Are you can READ or only write???? In last two pages exists this question. And RTFM! jh%$#%jhvb^%R^% $@#!
  5. Are you change the width of the field in such a way that it fits into one column? (or may be width subreport3). Try in first step remove subreport3 from subreport2 (maybe this is the reason the wrong conclusion?). See my test report, which display data in two columns (JR 4.8.0): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> select 'context1' context, 'question101' question, 'answer101' answer from dual union all</p><p> select 'context1', 'question102', 'answer12' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context1', 'question103', 'answer103' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question201', 'answer201' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question202', 'answer202' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question203', 'answer203' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question204', 'answer204' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question205', 'answer205' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question206', 'answer206' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question207', 'answer207' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question208', 'answer208' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context2', 'question209', 'answer209' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question301', 'answer301' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question302', 'answer302' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question303', 'answer303' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question304', 'answer304' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question305', 'answer305' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question306', 'answer306' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question307', 'answer307' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question308', 'answer308' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question309', 'answer309' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question310', 'answer310' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question311', 'answer311' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question312', 'answer312' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question313', 'answer313' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question314', 'answer314' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question315', 'answer315' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question316', 'answer316' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question317', 'answer317' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question318', 'answer318' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question319', 'answer319' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question320', 'answer320' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question321', 'answer321' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question322', 'answer322' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question323', 'answer323' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question324', 'answer324' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question325', 'answer325' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question326', 'answer326' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question327', 'answer327' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question328', 'answer328' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question329', 'answer329' from dual union all</p><p> select 'context3', 'question330', 'answer30' from dual CONTEXT QUESTION ANSWER $F{ANSWER} $F{QUESTION} $F{CONTEXT}
  6. Show me your subreport2.jrxml Which field you want to display in two columns? Is it this expression? "Esemény adatai: "+ ($F{closureType} == null ? "" : ($F{closureType}.getName() + " zárlat") ) + ($F{phase} == null ? "" : (($F{closureType} == null ? "" : ", ") + ($F{phase} + " fázis")))
  7. Set in subreport2 in Report Inspector (right click mouse on report -> Properties) in Properties: Columns=2 and Print order = Horizontal
  8. Find in google book "JasperReports 3.5 for Java Developers.pdf" and read in Chapter 5 section "Java objects as datasources"
  9. Add paratemer city_to_choose in Report (not in a Dataset). After that you can pass it into New Dataset 1 (for example if you want to display this parameter in table header)
  10. Is it java-application? In what moment you want to compile file? Why you can't use already compiled in iReport *.jasper file?
  11. How you get result export of report? If you use java-code, you can redefine this parameters before fillReport method
  12. Thanks for explanation. Im am knows about correct value parameter JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI = "image?image". But you found the solution before I see your question. With best regards. Alexander
  13. Is realy exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IS_USING_IMAGES_TO_ALIGN, Boolean.FALSE) required options to show images in html? It's very strange. P.S. I am use this options in all applications. But I'm very surprised
  14. You get full information about ways for solving your problem. Now you must to solve this problem by yourself. No one will write report instead of you.
  15. Try to post this questions into http://www.sql.ru/forum/actualtopics.aspx?bid=57 May be you get answer faster. And in your native language :) See for example http://www.sql.ru/forum/actualthread.aspx?tid=936574 "SPISOVKA". It's a good joke! :D
  16. in iReport: Tools/Options/Export Options/Excel/Common set checkbox "Detect Cell Type" on checked. (iReport 4.1.2) But i don't remember... Has iReport 4.0.2 this option?
  17. Are you try set in Report Properties "Print order"= Horisontal ?
  18. Variant 1 (easy): Set vertical size of Detail 2 equal size of subreport (not empty rows in Detail 2 after subreport). Set in Main report in propetry windows of subreport 2 check box "Remove line when blank" in "checked". May be in this case, you must set Properties "When no data" in subreport2 in to "All sections, no details". Variant2 (more difficult) Return value $V{REPORT_COUNT} from subreport2 into main report (for example variable $V{Var1)). And set Print when expression ${Var1} on Detail2 section (or subreport). HTH
  19. Try to set Properties->Page height in more greater value. Or set font size less
  20. It is simple multi-column report. Not a Table, not a List, not a crosstab. Try to set in iReport in Report Inspector (right click on report (first node of ReportInspector)) Properties->Columns = 3
  21. Work example from my report: "<b>" + $F{ascueGroup}.getParent().getFullPath() + "</b>"
  22. Why in TextFieldExpression for firstName class is com.myCompany.Person ? replace it on java.lang.String
  23. Sorry, it works only for private members of Account. For acess fields of nested bean write getters in Account class. For example: public class Account private Person person; public String getFirstName() { return person.getFirstName() } and define filed $F{firstName} in report
  24. Define field $F{firstName} with type java.lang.String (corresponds getter return value type) in report and be happy :) That's all
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