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Everything posted by abecedario

  1. OK, this might work. But how should I proceed if I had to perform the same task with a different subset of reports for another client too? I guess I should assign the role ROLE_USER to every user but grant the role no access to any of the reports, and then create a different user for each client and grant them access to the desired set of reports, right?
  2. Hi everyone, I needed to grant one of our clients access only to a specific report. I created a role for that, but after assigned it to our client's user I found out that it will always get a message saying that it doesn't have permissions. Looking through forums I found out I could solve this assigning the role ROLE_USER to this same user, but then the user would get read access to every report just like any other user, and then it would be useless. Can anyone give me a hint of how could I make this work? Thanks in advance
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