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  1. Thank you Matt. I've done with setting the properties at report level and field element level as well in the report .jrxml file. But I still got the field truncated. I've found one info from forum that this properties is working on XLS and CSV file, but here I want to export to RTF file. I guess this is might the cause. Any other idea or suggestion? regards, Norani
  2. Appreciate the suggestion. But I'm not sure how to set it in jasperreports.properties. Which file I need to edit? thanks and regards.
  3. I have tried all type of strech, but it doesn't work.
  4. How can I ensure that my text will not be truncated when it is exported to MS Word. It is only happened to the last row of the text and to the certain character or alphabet such as 'g', 'y', 'q' which there are not fully displayed (been truncated at the bottom). Is there any text or element's properties that need to be set up and configured? Kindly appreciate any idea and help. tq. Post Edited by norani at 01/10/2011 03:05
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