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Everything posted by Portlight

  1. I have several reports that use groovy scripting for date calculations. The work fine within JasperReports Server however we also use the jasper API to place these within the dashboard of the application we deploy. The reports will not compile in the application because I need to add the groovy jars. Can anyone give me some fairly detailed instructions on how this might be done. Thank you.
  2. That is exactly what I needed! Thank you
  3. Thank you for the input! I actually have a param labaled autoDate - which passes as string to the stored procedure which calculates the date based on what is passed... I am not sure the reason my employer is requesting the startDate parameter in the actual server respository to be set to today by default. This would be something that would be server wide so not actually set in the reports. What I have is this: we do our reports in iReport - each report has a paramater called startDate - the value is new java.sql.Timestamp(0) however when we import the jrxml to the JasperServer and I attach the input parameter startDate - it defaults to a date that seems to be pre-set....how do i change that preset to be today. I am sure you have answered it and I am missing it, again thank you for helping me.
  4. yes this is for scheduling I have the startdate parameter set in jasperserver - however it will only let me set it to an actual date. I would like it to set to new date() but it gives me an error could you be a little more specific please
  5. Is there a way to set the default date in jasperServer to 'today' for both the enddate and startdate currently we have it set for 1940 would like to change the default setting to be more dynamic
  6. I CANNOT upgrade from jasperserver 3.7.5 to 4.0 I need to use the java.util.date to format some times - converting to longs. I get them to work in ireport, 4.0 but when i upload to 3.7 i get major errors....I know that this is caused by one of the import classes i am using in 4.0 - how can i easily add this to class to 3.7 Really need a solution to this.
  7. Is there a way to have the title print on every page. I have looked and not seeing it. Found the option to print on new page.
  8. when printing to html the can be NO overlaps or the report will leave those areas blank. Post Edited by suki at 04/15/2011 21:18
  9. I have created several reports in iReports. I used the report elements pallette to create some graphic enhancements. When i transfer these reports to jasper server - the "rectangles" are not showing up. Not sure what i need to enable REALLY need help with this asap.
  10. I had to replace the driver file...once i did this everything worked. The one issue that I am having to combat is when the upgrade to 4.0 happens - the directory itself does not indicate an upgrade or the correct version. I was hoping to be able to upgrade without doing an uninstall...any suggestions.
  11. I have been able to get most answers to my upgrade questions except this one. When upgrading the directory does not indicate a change (still installs to the jasper 3.7 directory) Is there a way to rename or change the directory name while upgrading
  12. When I upgraded I lost my data connections. It is a mssql connection. I have selected the jdbc data source The jdbc data source is greyed in. when try to connect this is the error i recieve First, select the type of data source you wish to add, then enter the required property valuesuggestions Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 20:06 Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 20:08
  13. I have successfully upgraded from 3.7 to 4.0 using samedb scipt. I would like to cull the size of the file as we are going to have to transfer the to several computers and upgrade these individually. what is the minimum folders that I would need to do this. I am assuming I can get rid of all of the mssql, poste, oracle and so forth folders. In doing so will the upgrade files crash.
  14. comment out all reference to the foodmart and the sugarcrm databases in the context file.
  15. after changing the value in the app-server.xml file from 8080 to 8082 - upgraded with no problem using autoupgrade script. Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 18:37
  16. Would it make a difference during upgrade that we installed to port 8082 instead of 8080 - on 8080 there is a glassfish server. Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 18:35 Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 18:36
  17. I have been working on upgrading our jasperserver from 3.7.1 to 4.0 Progress: I have walked step by step through the documentation... default.master.properties file is updated for my specific server instance (except for the appServerType) ... get to the last bit where the webapp/jasperserver directory is deleted. using the autoupgrade script (js-upgrade-samedb-ce) WITH skip servertype checked the script runs great however is does not deploy the webapp so the webapp/jasperserver file is NOT recreated. In checking We have the tomcat 5.5 version bundled...when I change the master properties file to match i get the following error Check that appServerType is properly set in your default_master.properties file I have tried using version 5.0 version 6.0 This seems to be the only thing holding me up from a clean upgrade. Any suggestions. I would like to be able to use the autoupgrade so that it is easier for our support team. Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 18:34 Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 18:38
  18. Make sure that your default properties folder is correct as well as your app-server.xml file Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 18:41
  19. How does one remove the referance to foodmart in the upgrade. I am trying to upgrade but keep getting hung up on the following error advanced-sql] 1 of 1 SQL statements executed successfully [echo] Connection OK [echo] Validating FoodMart database connection at jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/foodmart?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&autoReconnect=true&autoReconnectForPools=true. Phase: [test] [advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Unknown database 'foodmart' [echo] Connection failed: [echo] SQLState: 42000 [echo] Vendor specific error code: 1049 [echo] Message: [unknown database 'foodmart'] BUILD FAILED D:Javajasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binjasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbinvalidation.xml:286: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:Javajasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binjasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbinvalidation.xml:165: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:Javajasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binjasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticconf_sourcedbmysqldb.xml:58: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:Javajasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binjasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbinvalidation.xml:219: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:Javajasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binjasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbinvalidation.xml:259: Database doesn't exist. Treating problem with JDBC connection as unrecoverable Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 18:43
  20. I have everything fixed, except the upgrade keeps referring to the foodmart database. I have tried to go through and remove all reference but am missing something. Any idea how i can ensure that this db does not keep holding me up
  21. I am trying to upgrade from 3.7 to 4.0 I checked the default_master.properties file. The information looks correct to me. I have checked the version of apache that seems to be running - 5.5. I am using the same database. To upgrade I am using the following script js-upgrade-samedb-ce I backed up the 3.7 version but am not referencing it in any of the new upgrade files - is this correct. The following is a copy of the errors ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Running JasperReports Server upgrade script at 2011-03-22_10-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: JAVA_HOME environment variable not found [default] Running upgrade-minimal-ce Ant task ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:Program FilesJavajre6libtools.jar Buildfile: D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild.xml [echo] Filtering properties (cleaning out blank spaces) [echo] creating D:/Java/js-install-4.0/jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-bin/buildomatic/build_conf/default [delete] Deleting directory D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefault [mkdir] Created dir: D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefault [copy] Copying 1 file to D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefault [copy] Copying 1 file to D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefault [copy] Copying 1 file to D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefault [copy] Copying 1 file to D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefault [copy] Copying 1 file to D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefault [copy] Copying 21 files to D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefault [copy] Copying 1 file to D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild_confdefaultwebappWEB-INF [echo] [echo] Error: The appServerDir does not seem to be a valid directory: [echo] Error: appServerDir=D:Java/jasperserver-ce-3.7.0/apache-tomcat, fixedAppServerDir=D:/Java/js-install-4.0/jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-bin/buildomatic/Java/jasperserver-ce-3.7.0/apache-tomcat [echo] Error: Check that appServerDir is properly set in your default_master.properties file BUILD FAILED D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbuild.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:Javajs-install-4.0jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-binbuildomaticbinsetup.xml:586: Error: Check that appServerDir is properly set in your default_master.properties file Total time: 0 seconds Checking Ant return code: OK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- how do I find the correct directory and what might i be doing wrong. Post Edited by suki at 03/23/2011 18:44
  22. I have used this piece of code with posted results- js-export --uris / resources/datatypes --output-dir <myDirectory> RESULTS: This copied the entire resources file not just the datatypes directory What I need to do is copy 1 user input control....When I try js-export --uris / resources/datatypes <myDirectory> it again copies the entire resource tree, however it gives me this error as well: URI datatypes/TestControl was not found....any ideas on how to format to drill down and copy one file.
  23. I need to export a custom user control that has been created in JasperServer. I then need to import it into another instance of JasperServer. Is there a clear cut explanation of how to do this easily.
  24. here is what i have done so far: start date converted to long $P{startDate}.getTime() end date converted to long $P{endDate}.getTime() if you could just show me how to do a loop then i could possible convert the long back to a date then find the week of or even If you could help me with a week of year group
  25. The class issue is taken care of. here is the situation 1. I cannot add a custom jar file - client restraint 2. I can not change the stored proc - client restraint I have gotten the Gregorian calendar to set using new java.util.Date((new GregorianCalendar(2008, 0, 1)).getTime().getTime()) I need to be able to print the dates (to check that this is working) between the start and end dates passed by the stored proc to do this I need to create a loop which i can't seem to get to work. If I can create this look then I can convert the dates to dayofweek and group the sums of calls for each week between the dates using a compare code (was able to get a comparison of dates to work but it only looks at data being passed via st proc. Frankly this is a job breaker for me so I am extremely frustrated. I have bought ALL of the manuals - no help positions is that i am not a strong java programmer more of a database person company has gone from crystal reports to jasperserver but I am having trouble converting reports. If I can get this week of range done without having to later the stored procs then I am golden Please help $V{evalDate} >= $V{start} ? "good Date" : "bad Date"
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