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  1. Hi, i think u need to create a chart customizer class to achieve this, this a post in which someone wanted to diplay the values in each section maybe it will help you : http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=41930
  2. Hi, your parameters have a String type ? You inserted the correct values in the 'default value' of the parameters ? when u try to 'preview data' from query editor u get something ?
  3. Hi, when i read your question it seems like 'can i put something 5 meters long in another thing which is 3 meters long ?' ^^ I think the orientation is ok (but never tested it) only the length count, so if your portrait main report has a width of 555 ( 595 -20 for left and right margins) your portrait cannot have a higher width (so it ruins the use of a landscape). A solution could be to use another dataset in which you use the same query, parameters, ... as your landscape query, and then use the same design in a frame as it is described in this video : http://jasperforge.org/website/ireportwebsite/IR%20Website/tutorials/Dashboard/Dashboard.html Hope this will help you. Regards
  4. Hi, i'm not 100% sure but i think no =) For me the elements of the report are generated from top to bottom of your left panel ( styles are created, then parameters, then fields, then variable, ...) so when it comes to diplay your field in a band it 's ok but as the variable are calculated after the params and fields it cannot work in your query Let me know if i understand well your question or if what i m saying if wrong Regards
  5. Hi, i'm not sure to understand well your problem, do you have an error when you generate your subreport ? Does simply the subreport is not showing anything ? Does your variable needs to be filled from main report or not ?
  6. Hi, Can u list your parameters and show your query in order to better understand your problem ? =)
  7. I want to display a stacked bar chart but the user can choose a very large date range so it often happens that my date labels are overlapping. Is there a way to display the values every X bars ? Thanks in advance Post Edited by braxivamov at 04/01/2011 08:59 Post Edited by braxivamov at 04/01/2011 14:18
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