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  1. I am Using Jasper Reports 2.0.5. Can u tell me whether it si available in 2.0.5. Any way thanks for ur reply.
  2. Hi,. I am Generating a Excel report with values coming from database.But If the data Content for a column is too large then it is splitting in to two rows. Please find the sample attached . EMP1 dfgdfgfdg fgfgfgfgf EMP2 gfgfgfgfg In case you have selected the policy number ending as Policy 2, you shall add dependent Parents/additional children. To modify existing dependents details click on the Member name and make the necessary changes and click on save to list. Kindly note, in case you are not able to login pls DISABLE THE POP UPS BLOCKER in Tools option The data in red should come in Emp1 row.
  3. Hi All, I have requiremen t like this. i am generating a report containing details in below format. Student ID SUBJECT CODE 1 MAT 2 SOC 3 MAT 4 MAT NOw i want to get column count i.e; no. of columns having subject Code as "MAT" . This should be shown at the end of each page. Can any one suggest idea on this ???????????
  4. requirement is like that. I am using JRXML file only to generate report..
  5. Hi, As per my requirement i have to generate a pdf having 200 columns. but while generating i got a problem.PDF is getting generated but empty report is generating. When i tried to generate a excel it was getting generated according to requirement (not an empty report) i was unable to solve this.. Please suggest me a solution .. Thanks in Advance Manikanta Post Edited by manigg at 01/13/2011 12:34
  6. hi, i am facing one issue while stretching the cellsize in excel. if the data is large , in excel the cell size is not getting increased dynamically. can anyone suggest me a solution to increase cell size in excel dynamically. Regards, Manikanta
  7. Hi , I am generating PDF using japer reports. the PDF will be generated using QUARTZ Scheduler.it will be generated for every 5 mins. The PDF generated will be stored in a directory(Folder) on my system. But some times the PDF generted is getting corrupted. Help me by giving solution to the problem... Thanks in advance
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