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  1. Hi, I'm interest on your solution but could it be possible to have an example ? Thanks in advance, Regards,
  2. i find this post on the forum : http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=50399 but i haven't a complete answer. We have already created datasource on the repository We have already created domains that using datasource on jasperserver. i just want to execture a query on a specific domains using runreport() or another way. is it more clear ? Regards,
  3. Hi, We use jasperserver with ireport to display some report using domains. Now we aloso would like to only retrieve data from our domains. How to do that ? Thanksin advance. Regards, HadanMarv
  4. Hi, I am using jasper reports with web services provided. So I called a url web services that accept multiple parameters such as report name, type of output format, and the list of parameters necessary for the execution of the said report. I am currently looking for a way to recover the list of parameters expected by my report, in order to avoid build errors that I ever have from time to time. Indeed, it would allow me to control my session in my application server, I have all the necessary elements. Thank you in advance for your answers.
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