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  1. Is there any way to have a multipage report other than using subreports/page breaks on a main report? What I'd like is one-eight page report that doesn't use subreports. It contains some static content and some XML content that will be gathered by a Java Bean and inserting into "fields" on the form.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. I actually figured this one out. I was trying to do the opposite. Define Parameters in main report then "match up" to existing parameters in sub-report. My question now is, I've linked this main report to a .jsp that fills the parameters and creates the PDF by plugging parameters into the subreports/report. But, when I have all of my subreports in the detail section of the report (or even just compiling a single subreport), nothing displays. If I move my parameters into any other section of the report, it generates fine. This is a problem because, I have eight subreports and obviously I can't put those in the header or column header of the main report because then it would put each subreport on every page of my report. Hope this makes sense. Any help is appreciated.
  3. In order to create an eight page report, I created eight sub-reports, the pulled those into a main report with sub-report, page-break, sub-report, page break, etc. When I compile and run the sub-reports individually, I'm prompted to enter values for all of my parameters, and it pulls those in and displays them perfectly. The problem I have is when I compile and execute the main report, I'm not prompted and all fields for the sub-reports are null. My question is: How do I get the main report to prompt me for the values it needs to populate all of the sub-reports?
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