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Everything posted by gnyanendra

  1. Hi Kpant, Thanks for the suggestion, but that probably won't work for us. As Ajinkya mentioned below, what we are looking for is actually a UI manipulation. If this doesn't work out from GUI, we might decide to change/add custom code while integrating Jaspersoft within our application.
  2. I'm trying to put multiple reports on a dashboard but not on a single view but in different tabs, is that possible? How to do it? I'm not able to find that functionality on dashboard design page. thanks
  3. I had named the domain as 1_domain and later changed it to domain_1 which worked! I checked with the date results, there were no out of format entries of non-existing dates.
  4. After dropping respective fields in ad hoc view, I tried creating filters over them but getting error (see attachment). How to get around with this? error : Cannot evaluate the following expression: betweenDates(report_1.start_date, d'2010-12-06', d'2013-02-28')
  5. I'm trying to prepare a chart using iReport. When I drop the chart tool on template and try to edit data (right click-> chart data), and defining series name, I'm not getting the right data reflected in chart. Is there something that can be done to see the data showing up in chart? thanks
  6. Hi, I have been trying to create custom reports from iReport (and with Jasper server too) but not been able to do so. 1. I understand that to make custom templates, one need to write some sort of code in java, which is less preferred, is there a way? 2. What exaxctly jrxml, jrctx, jrtx, .properties files do? Which all are minimum requirement for a chart (say bar chart)? I am using a MySQL database. thanks! Edit: - Also, in iReport, i dropped a chart template and passed on a result-set too, but it says empty chart and data passed doesn't reflect in charts.
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