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Everything posted by eroblin

  1. I tested my report without the last variable i added and it works ! This variable is quite big (many if...else... inside) and i used almost the same many times in the report. Is the scripplet a way to solve the "exceeding the 65535 bytes limit" or it will do the same ? I don't find documentation about this error so i don't know what to do ! It seems that my report is too big but i don't know on what criteria ... number of total charactere in the .jrxml (included the subreport or not) ? number of variable ? number of different data ? I give you an example of variable i use below : Code: Post Edited by eroblin at 09/21/2011 08:10
  2. Hi, I develop on iReport (4.0.2) for 6 months now and i just got this errors: 1. The code of method evaluate(int) is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit public Object evaluate(int id) throws Throwable <-------------------------------> 2. The code of method evaluateOld(int) is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit public Object evaluateOld(int id) throws Throwable <----------------------------------> 3. The code of method evaluateEstimated(int) is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit public Object evaluateEstimated(int id) throws Throwable <----------------------------------------> Is my report too big (it includes severals subreports) ? What are the ways to solve this issue ? Can i just change a parameter or must i change the conception ? I work on windows XP and java 1.6.0_24 ... Some help is welcomed ! Thx P.S : QTEAM_hebdo.jrxml is the main report and it includes 5 subreports
  3. Hello users of iReport, My question is about subreports' return values (yes again ...) I read carefully topics about that on this forum but i can't find the solution of my issue. I have a master report which include 2 subreports. There are not displayed on it, they are only used to use another SQL query and send some data to the master. The 2 subs are working fine on there own (queries are good). But one of the sub just return null value to the master (the other one works fine !). I use exactly same method to send data (i use groups, calculation : System, same variable name on the master and sub ...) I attach the .jrxml of my three reports. The not working one is "demo_talend_subreport_obj.jrxml". Sorry to send lot of code like this but it seriously make me crazy ! Thanks for help, Eric
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