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Everything posted by neowarp

  1. Sadly i was not able to really resolve the described issue. The example i posted was really a very very stripped down version of the problem i had. Funny enough i could resolve my problem differently (i had filters set in my query instead of a where clause because i thought the filters were applied during data fetching and not afterwards) Still i think there is a bug here. If you look at the trace, the scriptlet is already called twice before afterReportInit() is even called followed by a final call. The example doesnt use any dataset so that cant be the issue here eighter. sorry that i cant be of much help here. cheers neowarp
  2. Hello, im currently working on integrating a report into an app and therefore created a scriplet to preprocess my data. While doing so i stumbled accros a strange behaviour of the scriplet/ireport. Ive stripped down the code and the report to the bare minmum but i cant find the cause. The report contains a variable that calls a function in the scriptlet with a constant. For some odd reason the function is called 3 times. Ive used a try catch to print out the stacktrace and it seems that jasper calls this multiple times. Is there anything that i am missing on how to use scriptlets here? From what im thinking the function should only be called once and not three times. Ive attached both the compiled scriptlet and source aswell as the report file is used for debugging. The report output shows that the function is called three times. Anyone has an idea? Thanks in advance neowarp
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