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Everything posted by eongaro

  1. In order to make visible/invisible each exporter, the steps below should be applied in JasperReports Server v3.7: Stop the server For the report viewer: In the ..WEB-INFflowsviewReportBeans.xml file just uncomment/comment the line inside the "exporterConfigMap" element. For the report scheduler: In the reportJobBeans.xml file just uncomment/comment the block below: inside the "allOutputFormats" list. Restart the server. The new exporter should be available/unavailable now.See Also How to hide the "back"button in the report viewer: How do I Hide the Back Button on a Report View?
  2. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] I'm printing out a java.util.Collection and it is not sorted alphabetically Resolution:Groovy Note: You'll have to set the language of your report to Groovy for this to work!In the text field set the following: Text Field Expression: $P{your_collection}.sort() Expression Class: java.lang.StringOther sorting options you can try: $P{your_collection}.reverse() - print the collection in reverse order $P{your_collection}.reverse().sort() - print the collection in reverse order, then sort it JavaUnfortunately Java doesn't have a "one liner" approach to Collections sorting. You'll have to write a Scriptlet. Ref. Case #00020195 -- 21:25, 12 May 2011 (UTC)
  3. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] In JasperReports Server >= 4.0 you would like to hide the Refresh and Open buttons in the dashboard viewer via CSS Resolution:In order to fix this we'll add something to overrides_custom.css, this will allow us to maintain the integrity of the default theme and make it easier to upgrade later on. The value for this is set in pageSpecific.css, however overrides_custom.css will take precedence. In overrides_custom.css add the following snippet: /* Remove the Open and Refresh Buttons on Dashboards *//* Remove them when hovering */.componentContainer.iframe.over>.floatingMenu { display:none;}/* Remove them when not hovering */.componentContainer.iframe>.floatingMenu { display:none;}[/code]Ref. Case #00019586 -- 18:37, 31 March 2011 (UTC) This is working fine when we don't pass any jasper server parameters (let's say viewAsDashboardFrame="true").. If pass viewAsDashboardFrame="true" from the URL there is no change.. i.e., refresh and oepn new window tabs are appearing. Another case, when I drill down from dashboard to dashboard the buttons are coming in the drillable ones.
  4. Description:[toc on_off::hide=1] You'd like to set a theme based on the URL. This is also useful for recovering from a poorly made theme that does not allow you to login Resolution:To set a theme by url, just append &theme=your_theme_name to the URL, like http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=searchFlow&theme=pods_summer Hierarchy the system takes in regards to themes: Set Theme by Role or User This only works in JasperReports Server 4.0 and above. Ref. Case #00020077 -- 20:12, 3 May 2011 (UTC)
  5. OverviewThe following was extracted from Cascading Input Controls . As of version 3.7, the following parameters are available for query input controls. "Standard" controls will always be provided to reports (for example, for use in expressions), even if an input control is not defined for them. [toc] Parameter Name Type Notes Standard? LoggedInUser User Not usable in query input control, but is used as parameter to report Yes LoggedInUsername String Of logged in user Yes LoggedInUserFullName String Of logged in user No LoggedInUserEmailAddress String Of logged in user No LoggedInUserEnabled Boolean Is logged in user enabled? No LoggedInUserExternallyDefined Boolean Is logged in user externally defined? ie. authenticated externally No LoggedInUserTenantId String Of logged in user. Only relevant in Pro/Enterprise. No LoggedInUserRoles Collection<string> Current set of roles of logged in user. Useful for $X parameter No LoggedInUserAttributes Map<string, string> Not usable in query input control, but is used as parameter to report. Empty map if no attributes No LoggedInUserAttributeNames Collection<string> User profile attribute names. Useful for $X parameters. Empty collection if no attributes No LoggedInUserAttributeValues Collection - No LoggedInUserAttribute_<attribute-name> String For the logged-in user, the value of the attribute matching the name passed as <attribute-name> (such as att1). If there's no attribute with this name for this user, the parameter is empty. This parameter is available only if it's defined in a query or as a report parameter. No LoggedInTenantAttribute_ <attribute-name> String Same as above, but only checks for Organization-level attributes. ServerAttribute_<attribute-name> String Same as above, but only checks for Server-level attributes. No Attribute_<attribute-name> String Recommended. Same as above, however this will check each level of attributes, in order, until one is matched: On the logged-in user On the Organization of the logged-in user, then in any parent organizations At the server level NoFor a full list, refer to: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v790/query-based-input-controls#Built-in_Parameters Changes to parameters for reports in JasperReports ServerThe above built-in parameters are also provided for reports if they are defined as parameters in the JRXML. This adds to the LoggedInUser and LoggedInUsername parameters that are available in earlier versions. When you create a parameter in the Report, its Type must match the Type from the above list. ExamplesPrint When Expression example (also attached to this article as LoggedInUserRoles.jrxml): ($P{LoggedInUserRoles}.contains("ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR")) ? new Boolean(true) : new Boolean(false)Page footer example: "Last printed by " + $P{LoggedInUserFullName} + " on " + new java.util.Date() + "\n LoggedInUserRoles include: " + $P{LoggedInUserRoles}.toString()This is an example of Logged In User Attributes in an iReport, domain-based report: JasperReports Server Ultimate Guide - Security definitionJasperReports Server Ultimate Guide - JRXMLSee AlsoHow to use built in parameter (LoggedInUser) in report and scriptletUsing report parametersCreating additional built-in parametersDesigning_Row-Based_Security_into_Standard_Reports - Using Attributes and RowsDesigning_Column-Based_Security_into_Standard_Reports - Using Roles and ColumnsAccessing_the_Logged_In_User_within_a_Query-based_Input_Control - Query Based input controls with LoggedInUserBuilt-in Parameters for Query-based Input Controls of JasperReports Server Administrator GuideKK edited 2022-05-23 loggedinuserroles.jrxml
  6. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] Using RHEL or CentOS Linux and Java JRE/JDK. Trying to create a Charts Pro - Area graph, able to drag it on to the screen but when right clicking on "Chart Properties" popup for chart not coming up. Other pop-ups work, no chart pro pop-ups work. You may see an exception: sun.awt.X11.XException: Cannot write XdndAware property at sun.awt.X11.XDnDDropTargetProtocol.registerDropTarget(Unknown Source) at sun.awt.X11.XDropTargetRegistry.registerDropSite(Unknown Source) at sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer.addDropTarget(Unknown Source) at sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer.addDropTarget(Unknown Source) at java.awt.dnd.DropTarget.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.add(Unknown Source) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.charts.ChartPanel.showDialog(ChartPanel.java:2769) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.charts.EditChartAction.performAction(EditChartAction.java:41) Resolution:This is an upstream bug with Java JRE/JDK releases 1.6.0_23 + 1.6.0_24 in Linux. The issue has been reported to NetBeans and Oracle. As a workaround use an older release of the JRE/JDK available from Oracle: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/archive-139210.html Another option is to use OpenJDK. Link to Oracle Bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7027598 Ref. Case #00019617 -- 20:02, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
  7. First modify /etc/ireport.conf Append -J-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/C:/log4j.properties to the line starting with default_options, like this: ... default_options="-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx512m -J-Dorg.netbeans.ProxyClassLoader.level=1000 -J-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/C:/log4j.properties" Be sure you have log4J in your classpath. Log4j is already in the classpath with newer versions of iReport Designer Then create log4j.properties, here's an example that writes to file: # Possible Log Levels: # FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG # Default Logging Configuration log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, fileout log4j.appender.fileout=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.fileout.File=C:/iReport.log log4j.appender.fileout.MaxFileSize=1024KB log4j.appender.fileout.MaxBackupIndex=1 log4j.appender.fileout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.fileout.layout.conversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1},%t:%L - %m%n Then when you launch iReport Designer you will see debugging output in the file you specified.
  8. eongaro

    Excel Export Headers

    Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] In JasperReports Server Excel column headers are not displayed. Resolution:Spreadsheet export headers are excluded by default via the file <js-install>/WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties Comment out the following in the jasperreports.properties file, as shown here: #suppress page headers and footers when exporting to XLS #net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.1=pageHeader #net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.2=pageFooter #net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.3=columnHeader #net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.4=columnFooter Ref. Case #00019148 -- 20:10, 6 April 2011 (UTC)
  9. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] You may be receiving an error about your JDK/JRE not being found in iReport Resolution:Set jdkhome in <ireport-install>/etc/ireportpro.conf, for example; # default location of JDK/JRE, can be overridden by using --jdkhome <dir> switch jdkhome="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin" Ref. Case #00019210 -- 20:01, 6 April 2011 (UTC)
  10. eongaro

    Python ws samples

    Project Dependenciespython SOAPYou will need the Python SOAP client suds from https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ In Debian/Ubuntu you can use: apt-get install python-suds python JasperReports ServerA snapshot of the python JasperReports Server bindings will be included in the samples, however, newer libraries may be available upstream from https://launchpad.net/pyjasperclient . There's also a pypi package, installable via easy_install pyjasperclient python wxIn order to run the graphical samples (/wx/) you will need the python wx libraries from http://www.wxpython.org/ In Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install python-wxgtk2.6orapt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 UsageCLI ExampleThe cli sample is under the cli folder. You will need to configure the url of your JasperReports Server instance in cli/Client.py Run python repository.py to list all the reports in a directory and then run the Sales by Month report Run python users.py to create a user named testguy WX GUI SampleThe wx gui sample is under the wx folder The window.py file simply takes username/password & URL and lists the reports. To run the python wx gui sample, meet the dependencies above and then run the file like python window.py Once the window opens, simply enter the JasperServer URL, username, password and the sample will return a list of reports in /Reports/Samples. In order to change the samples from /Reports/Samples, simply edit the line result = js4.listReports('/Reports/Samples') in window.py
  11. eongaro

    Python Samples

    Project Dependenciespython SOAPYou will need the Python SOAP client suds from https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ In Debian/Ubuntu you can use: apt-get install python-suds python JasperReports ServerA snapshot of the python JasperReports Server bindings will be included in the samples, however, newer libraries may be available upstream from https://github.com/agaoglu/pyjasperclient There's also a pypi package, installable via easy_install pyjasperclient python wxIn order to run the graphical samples (/wx/) you will need the python wx libraries from http://www.wxpython.org/ In Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install python-wxgtk2.6orapt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 UsageCLI ExampleThe cli sample is under the cli folder. You will need to configure the url of your JasperReports Server instance in cli/Client.py Run python repository.py to list all the reports in a directory and then run the Sales by Month report Run python users.py to create a user named testguy WX GUI SampleThe wx gui sample is under the wx folder. The window.py file simply takes username/password & URL and lists the reports. To run the python wx gui sample, meet the dependencies above and then run the file like python window.py Once the window opens, simply enter the JasperServer URL, username, password and the sample will return a list of reports in /Reports/Samples. In order to change the samples from /Reports/Samples, simply edit the line result = js4.listReports('/Reports/Samples') in window.py
  12. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] You need to delete the current owner but want the scheduled reports to belong to another user. Resolution:From the JIUser table get the id of the user you want to change to, then change the owner column of the JiReportJob record to the one from above. Please test this first before doing it on the live data to make sure the job still fires after changing owner. Ref. Case #00019571 -- 21:31, 24 March 2011 (UTC)
  13. Adding Timezones to JasperReports ServerQ: How can I add more timezones to the list of available timezones in the JasperReports Server login page or on the report scheduling page? A: This is covered in the section titled "Specifying Additional Time Zones" in the document, JasperReports Server Administration Guide. How does JasperReports Server Pick Up DST Changes?Typically the JVM detects the time zone from the OS, however there have been times when it does not. To test what Time Zone your JVM is using try the code snippet on this page: http://www.minaret.biz/tips/timezone.html Automatically using the client's timezoneQ: JasperReports Server lets the user choose the timezone to use. But it would be easier if it just automatically used the browser's timezone. In fact, iReport just uses the machine's local timezone. JasperReports Server should do the same. Why don't you do that? A: It's complicated. When a report gets filled you need to use some timezone. iReport uses the timezone reported to it by the JVM. This is clearly the choice that the developer most likely wants. But sometimes it's useful to test the report for a different timezone. Because iReport is a developer-oriented tool, it's easy for the user to simply apply a command line parameters (e.g. -Duser.timezone="Australia/Sydney") to get what he wants for testing. In JasperReports Server we consider it analogous to let the user choose his timezone manually. It's common for an administrator to modify the list of timezones available in that drop down, so you certainly do need to stay with the default list provided out of the box. Some users feel that it would be easier for them if JasperReports Server automatically used the browser's timezone rather than some arbitrary default. Frankly, they're correct. For most end users this would be easier. There are two main problems to overcome. If we take the browser's timezone, this is good for most users. But there are cases where a user needs to specify a different timezone. (When I run a report for Europe, it can be important to use their timezone even if I'm actually use the United States.) If JasperReports Server doesn't provide a dropdown list, then this user has no possible workaround to get what he needs.JavaScript does not provide simple access to the browser's timezone. Remember that there's no Java applet, so we don't have access to the JVM timezone as iReport does. More on this below.An obvious alternative could be to use the browser's timezone by default but still allow the user to override this. Again the problem is a practical one: Java supports 558 time zone (give or take a few depending on the version). We would need to make sure JasperReports Server handles any of these that the client might send. "But wait," you think. For any given session we can simply ignore Daylight Saving Time and ignore the large number of identically-defined timezones. In this case we can simply pass the GMT offset and allow a dropdown with the 25 or so possibilities of overriding this. The reason this won't work is because the timezone gets used when the user schedules reports. Using GMT-8 would be fine for any reports that I run today. But if I schedule a report to run weekly at 7:00 am, I expect it to run at 7:00 am Pacific; and that won't be GMT-8 when we transition from winter to summer. These complications are the reason that we decided that the best compromise was to include a list of timezones that the user can select from. Again, this list is easily modifiable by the administrator. One could certainly say, "For this given implementation, the end user never has the requirement to manually modify the timezone." In this case you can get what you want, but it would require a customization. The customization go like this: Modify the login page to include JavaScript that determines the browser timezone. This is non-trivial. The problem is that you have simple access to the GMT offset, but you don't have easy access to actual timezones. So you need to contruct timezones based on the offset plus some DST rules. If you limit your users a relatively small geography then it's pretty easy to deal with. There are lots of Google hits on determining timezone in JavaScript, so it's likely that you can easily find code to reuse.Modify the login page to include this timezone rather than the dropdown list. This should be very easy.Update the userTimeZonesList bean in applicationContext.xml to contain any possible timezone used by a client (you can even write a custom TimeZonesList implementation if you want to programmatically build the list of JS timezones). This is required because the scheduler screen uses the user session timezone as default schedule timezone, and if the user timezone is not in the list of JasperReports Server timezones the screen would malfunction.So the customization is not trivial, but it's not overly difficult either. The key unknown is step one, which is probably easy to solve for a given customer but not easy to solve well for all Jaspersoft customers. See AlsoDaylight_Savings_Time_SchedulesList of IANA TimezonesOfficial IANA Timezone Database
  14. [toc on_off::hide=1] ProblemIf your servers recognize Daylight Savings Time (DST), jobs scheduled using simple recurrence may seem to occur one our later (when DST ends) or one hour earlier (when DST begins). In the example below this job is scheduled at 11:18 am, in October when DST begins the job will run at 10:18 am. This is because the simple scheduler simply adds 24 hours to the last run time not an entire day. SolutionIf you want jobs to recur at the same time of day and respect DST adjustments use the Calendar Recurrence See Also Timezones in JasperReports Server Section 3.4.5 Specifying Job Recurrence in the JasperReports Server User Guide
  15. This is a basic task of report creation that comes up often. Let's cover the different ways of creating a column that finds the % of an item. For example: Name# Of Hours Worked % ofJoe1236.36%Jack824.24%Jill1339.39% In Ad Hoc Designer(Ad Hoc reporting is only available in the Professional and Enterprise editions of JasperReports Server) In the Ad Hoc Editor create a new table like the one below: Right click on the field you want to aggregate and click "Create Custom Field" Select % of Total (value) from the Advanced functions End ResultDrag the new % Of Total field into your report: In iReport Designer and JasperReports LibraryCreate a basic report like below: Create a new variable called sumSet the Variable Class to java.lang.FloatSet the Calculation to SumSet the Variable Expression to $F{Hours} Create a new Text Field (column) with the following properties:Text Field Expression: $F{Hours} / $V{sum}Expression Class: java.lang.FloatPattern: Percentage (from dialog box)Evaluation Time: Auto - this is the magic that makes this happen see this API reference End ResultRun the report and you should get something like this: And Percent_of.zip for reference.Alternative MethodThere's another way to acheive this using a subreport with a different query and passing it back up to your report. Create your parent report with an empty $V called sumCreate a sub report with a SQL calculated field called sum, then a variable that simply passes $F{sum} to $V{sum} (This is a necessary step because subreports can only pass variables back up to their parents).In the parent report, call the subreport and set the "Return Values" to map the "Subreport Variable: sum" to the "Destination Variable: sum"Finally, use the $V{sum} to divide by $F{hours} and get the "percent of" field.Percent_of_with_subreport.zip for reference.
  16. Creating a Percent Of a ColumnThis article is valid until JRS v.5.5 please visit creating percent column using AdHoc designer calculated measures for later releases. This is a basic task of report creation that comes up often. Let's cover the different ways of creating a column that finds the % of an item. For example: Name# Of Hours Worked % ofJoe1236%Jack824%Jill1339.39% In Ad Hoc Designer(Ad Hoc reporting is only available in the Professional and Enterprise editions of JasperReports Server) In the Ad Hoc Editor create a new table like the one below: Right click on the field you want to aggregate and click "Create Custom Field" Select % of Total (value) from the Advanced functions End ResultDrag the new % Of Total field into your report: In iReport/JasperReportsCreate a basic report like below: Create a new variable called sumSet the Variable Class to java.lang.FloatSet the Calculation to SumSet the Variable Expression to $F{Hours} Create a new Text Field (column) with the following properties:Text Field Expression: $F{Hours} / $V{sum}Expression Class: java.lang.FloatPattern: Percentage (from dialog box)Evaluation Time: Auto - this is the magic that makes this happen see this API reference End ResultRun the report and you should get something like this: And Percent_of.zip for referenceAlternative iReport/JasperReports MethodThere's another way to acheive this using a subreport with a different query and passing it back up to your report. This would give the best performance because you're passing the work on to the database. Here are the abreviated steps followed by the sample JRXML. Create your parent report with an empty $V called sumCreate a sub report with a SQL calculated field called sum, then a variable that simply passes $F{sum} to $V{sum} (This is a necessary step because subreports can only pass variables back up to their parents).In the parent report, call the subreport and set the "Return Values" to map the "Subreport Variable: sum" to the "Destination Variable: sum"Finally, use the $V{sum} to divide by $F{hours} and get the "percent of" field.Here is Percent_of_with_subreport.zip for reference:
  17. [toc on_off::hide=1] Make sure to have full backups before attempting this To change the context name of the JasperReports Server URL, you must rename a directory and edit a configuration file. Directory and File Name and Location webappsjasperserver-pro directory WEB-INFweb.xml file Values to Edit Find jasperserver-pro.root. Match the name of the directory in your webapp and the param-value to the context name you want to use. The name of the directory and the value of param-value must match. For example, if the directory is named /webapps/myapp/ instead of /webapps/jasperserver-pro, the param-value must be myapp.root. In this case, JasperServer's default URL is http://hostame:8080/myapp. Then update WEB-INF/log4j.properties, tweaking instances like log4j.appender.fileout.File=${jasperserver-pro.root}, and changing them to log4j.appender.fileout.File=${webapp.root} to that your new log output will be found in /webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/logs/ The URL is used by the JasperServer web services. If you change the URL, you may need to change other applications, such as iReport (if you use the JasperServer plugin). If you use Tomcat as your application server, delete the [js-install]apache-tomcatconfCatalinalocalhostjasperserver-pro.xml file and the [js-istall]apache-tomcatwork directory before restarting the application server.
  18. Graphical Database Schema Metadata DiagramsProduct + VersionDiagram LinkJasperReports Server v3.0SQuirrel PDF RenderJasperReports Server v4.0SchemaSpy PNGIf you would like to examine the CREATE and INSERT statements used to create the JasperServer repository and Scheduling databases, you can examine the following DDL files included in the WAR distributions of JasperReports Server Pro and Jaspersoft OLAP: JasperReports Server Repository script: /buildomatic/install_resources/sql/<your-db-vendor>/js-pro-create.ddlScheduling Database script: /buildomatic/install_resources/sql/<your-db-vendor>/quartz.ddlIf you wish to create an up-to-date entity-relationship diagram of your repository, you can also do so using a variety of free third party SQL tools, like SQuirrel or SchemaSpy.
  19. Exception "Packet for query is too large" and max_allowed_packet Exception DescriptionYou may get the following exception from a scheduled report, or when importing a large export zip into a mysql JasperReports Server repository. com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessResourceException: Hibernate operation: could not update: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.ContentRepoFileResource#14069]; SQL [update JIContentResource set data=?, file_type=? where id=?]; Packet for query is too large (1259021 and 1048576). You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet variable.; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large (1259021 and 1048576). You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet variable. SolutionAccording to the MySQL Reference Manual, you can set the max_allowed_packet in several ways. You can find a full explanation of the variable max_allowed_packet and how to set it in this web page. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/packet-too-large.html As described in this article, you can set the value as follows: In the shell shell>mysql --max_allowed_packet=32M shell> In an option file such as my.ini [mysqld] max_allowed_packet=16M ... If JasperReports Server is still complaining about max_allowed_packet being set to a lower value such as 1048576 after you have set it to a higher value, try the following: Find out if there are multiple instances of mysql running, you might be setting the value to an incorrect instance If you have confirmed that it is the correct instance, and it is still not working, try:Create a file named my.cnf in ~/mysql/bin directory where the my.ini file is located. Set max_allowed_packet in my.cnf as follows: [mysqld] max_allowed_packet=32M ... Additional HintsIf max_allowed_packet is set to an excessively high value, it may impact execution of all queries. The variable max_allowed_packet controls the maximum size of the data sent between client and server at each transmission. If you have a very large result set being prepared for the slave which may cause mysqld to go into swap. It will severely slow down the execution of all queries. The largest you should set max_allowed_packet is to the maximum size of any BLOB or TEXT data you will be sending to or retrieving from the server over the network or over replication.
  20. Summary [toc on_off::hide=1] This article provides troubleshooting tips related to receiving a No such file or directory error/exception. When attempting to launch the JasperReports Server (or Jasperserver) installer on certain 64-bit Linux distributions (like Ubuntu 10.10) the installer may not run. SymptomsUpon launching the installer fails with an error like "No such file or directory" CausesThe installer builds a 32-bit ELF executable that is not compatible with all amd64 kernels. ResolutionsInstall on a 32 bit operating system or use the WAR file installer with your own database and application server.
  21. [[: not foundSummaryThis article provides troubleshooting tips related to receiving a [[: not found error/exception. When attempting to deploy JasperReports Server 4.0 on a Linux system like Debian or Ubuntu the install fails with [[: not found or similar SymptomsWAR file does not deploy. Scripts exit with errors. ./js-install.sh./bin/do-js-install.sh: 30: [[: not found ./bin/do-js-install.sh: 30: ce: not found [: 72: unexpected operator ./bin/do-js-install.sh: 72: [[: not found Please enter one of the following options: , minimal, regen-config, drop-db, test CausesIn version 4.0 of the WAR installer the default shebang was configured to #!/bin/sh which was not compatible with the scripts. ResolutionsReplace #!/bin/sh with #!/bin/bash at the top of every .sh file in /buildomatic and /buildomatic/bin
  22. In certain cases, after an upgrade operation you may notice that the login screen requires an "Organization" field. If you are not taking advantage of the Multi-Tenancy features of JaseperReports Server then the default organization was re-created during the upgrade process. To get rid of the default organization: Log in as superuser and go to "Manage -> Organizations" in the web UI. Deleting the default Organization_1 should remove the "Organization" field from the login screen.
  23. Summary[toc on_off::hide=1] After upgrading iReport Designer in Windows 7 you get an error about licenses when compiling reports. SymptomsYou may see an error like this: com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.license.LicenseException: License not found at C:Program Files (x86)jasperreports-server-3.7ireportireportproJRPro30DayEval.license CausesIf you are upgrading iReport from a bundled installation the path of the license may not have been updated. This occurs when the installation folder was deleted but the ApplicationData directory was not. The Application Data directory stores license information and all the user preferences. ResolutionsYou will need to delete your preferences folder so that iReport can re-create it. Exit all instances of iReport If you do not want to keep your preferences follow this step: Delete your iReport preferences folder (see table below for location) If you wish to keep your current iReport preferences then navigate to your App_Data_FolderVERSIONconfigPreferencescomjaspersoft and edit the file ireport.properties - there you will find a property called ireport.jrproperty.com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.license.location - update the new installation path there and start iReport.Application Data Locations Operating System Path Windows XP C:Documents and SettingsYOUR_USERNAME...ireportpro Windows 7/Vista C:UsersYOUR_USERNAMEAppDataRoaming.ireportpro Linux /home/YOUR_USERNAME/.ireportpro/
  24. (Replying to a super old forum post but still an issue) There's a workaround, from a terminal try (from where you extracted the application): java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar -vmargs -Xmx500m -XX:MaxPermSize=256 Note the version may vary slightly. Post Edited by eongaro at 12/08/2010 00:15
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