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Everything posted by yzhou

  1. My questions is around the updates to the JIRepositoryCache table. We have ORACLE in the backend. QUESTION: How does Jasper determine when it needs to update the JIRepositoryCache table? It appears that it is doing so every time a request for a report Is received. We are seeing the following query in our AWR as the most run query with rowlocks on the JIRepositoryCache table. QUERY: update JIRepositoryCache set data=:1 , version=:2 , version_date=:3 , item_reference=:4 where id=:5 If this is truly a cache table any benefits gained from having the table are being diminished by this update statement. We are encountering increased wait times in report requests because of the rowlocks. Has anyone else encountered this issue and are there any settings we are missing that can aid in resolving this issue? Any resolution/comments in relation to this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  2. In the report parameter page, I would like to get a parameter from URL and pass it into the report parameter page. For example, I wnat to create a Multi-Selection input type, the Multi-Selection (or dropdown) data is dynamic based on the parameter from URL. In ver 3.7.1, I am able to do this by createing a CustomParameterForm.jsp based on the DefaultParameterForm.jsp. But this is much difficult on version 4.7..
  3. mattbates, Thanks for your idea of using the dumy report. It works Here are steps in brief, and maybe useful to others. I think convert data type from parameter to query type should be a very common practice. I still don't understand that why iReport don't let variable as parameter to pass into a query. Thank you again. Convert java.util.List as parameter data type to stored procedure data type. Create a java.util.List parameter in main report. Write a java Scriptlet class, and create a method to convert an ArrayList to a String. Such as: convertArrayToChar(ArrayList in). Create a jar for the Scriptlet class. Load the jar into iReport libs folder, and add it to classpath of iReport; Reference the Scriptlet in report properties->Scriptlet class field. No .class extension needed. Ex.: “com.scriptlets.MyReprotScriptlet”. Create a variable in main report. Define variable as java String type. In variable expression, call the scriptlet method to convert parameter (java.util.List). Example: $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.convertArrayToChar((ArrayList)$P{LocationOIDs}). Here $P{LocationOIDs is a List. In the sub-reprot, create a parameter as String, In main report, add the sub-repot and open sub-report properties. In parameter field, set the parameter in sub-report to reference the variable created in main report. Post Edited by yzhou at 08/25/2011 18:48
  4. I have post a relative common question in iReport quary design about 2 weeks ago, but havn't got any response. Here is the problem. A multi-select (Or multi-dropdown) parameter is required in our report, the parameter then passed to a stored procedure written in MS/SQL server. In order to use the multi-select parameter, java.util.List or java.util.Collection is required, but the stored procedure is expecting a string with carma delimit in the string. Such as "'Office1', 'Office 2',...". To summarize, how to convert java.util.List as parameter to a String. There is function $X(} to do this kind of casting, but that is only good in SQL. I'd appreciate if someon can give any idea, or any response even if you have run into same issue and need to be solved. Thanks, YZ1
  5. Ravi, I have same issue except we call the stored procedure in MSSQL. Have you got any solution? Let me repeat the question: In the report, a SQL procedure is expecting a parameter in SQL Text type, such as "abc, de, fg". The paramete in report should be java.util.List, so allow user from a multi-selection dropdown. What is correct syntax to use the List parameter in procedure call? Thanks, Yejin
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