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  1. I want to use 2 different page footers which differ if a group hasnt completed printing and goes over onto multiple pages, is there a way to do this?
  2. Is there a way to determine (setting a variable or similar) when a group has finished printing I require a page footer and would like to print 2 different things based on wether the group is complete or not (The group could span 1 or many different pages, and the footer has to be on every page, but formatted differently when the group is complete) Post Edited by ddmckay1 at 09/29/2011 19:23
  3. Is there a way to determine (setting a variable or similar) when a group has finished printing I require a page footer and would like to print 2 different things based on wether the group is complete or not (The group could span 1 or many different pages, and the footer has to be on every page, but formatted differently when the group is complete) Post Edited by ddmckay1 at 09/23/2011 13:16
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