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Everything posted by hurleyga

  1. Hi, I am creating a report template and was wondering if its possible to have the columns different sizes or do all columns have to be same width. Thanks
  2. Hi, I have generated a report using jasper and see that it can be saved in alot of different format - csv,xml,etc.. Can anyone advise if its possible to save as a SAS document. Thanks
  3. In the Report Inspector in Ireport right click on parameters and select add parameter. You can then use this in your report.
  4. Just figured it out - add a parameter for title in ireport and set this paramater from within the application.
  5. Hi, I am displaying a report from my java application using Ireport and Jasper reports. Is it possible to set the tile of the report at runtime from the application. I tried to put the tile into the hashmap used to fill the report, but not having any luck. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
  6. Hi, I am looking to display my column headers vertically in a table with the data displaying horizontally. Can anyone advise if this is even possible, and if so any help would be appreciated. Cheers
  7. Hi, I am very new to Jasper reports and ireport. I have created a very basic form in ireports which i tend to populate with a table model from my java application. However when i try to execute the line: nothing happens and no exception is thrown. I am using version 3.7.1 of both jasper reports and ireport. Any help would be appreciated. JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(filename);
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