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Everything posted by mailnando

  1. Hum i didi the same way. But when i update the data in database e re-run the report the updated data doesn´t showed in report, then i need to down the apache service e up again and it works with new data.
  2. Mariano! Tks for your repply. What´s the version of your JasperServer? Can you print the data source configuration please? did you configure some xml file in WEB-INF ? Abou chache or someting like this? Tks, Fernando.
  3. Someone else? I need someone that really knows about Jasperserver works. Tks., Fernando.
  4. Hi, I am running reports with Oracle database, however the data changes frequently. When I run a report the first time it takes the data from the database, however if I run it a second time, it produces the previous report rather than re-read data from the database. How can I make Jasper Server read from the database every time and generate the report. I read some posts talking about adhoc parameters in Server Settings, but its not show for me, i believe its because de community version. Is there an way to solve my ploblem? Thanks in advance. Fernando.
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