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  1. I think you should write a piece of java code which schedules itself to run every month and generate reports. You can use libraries like quartz.
  2. Hello, I want to get rid of the gap in category axis i.e. start graphic from (0,0) point. How can I do that? Thank you.
  3. Hello, I am sending query from Java code and that query returns some number of COLUMNS and I want to draw a line chart according to result of that query. Since number of columns is unknown, number of fields and series are unknown also. Is there a way to draw a line chart like this? Regards.
  4. Thank you so much. I need to refresh my DB knowledge :)
  5. Hello, Columns of the table which I use for creating charts is like following: resource_id, kpi_0, kpi_1, kpi_2. I want to use kpi_0, kpi_1, and kpi_2 for values and since these columns only contain integer values I need to specifiy the corresponding categories by hand. In short, I need to write category expression something like: ["total calls","answered calls","not answered calls"] and value expression like: [$F{kpi_0},$F{kpi_1},$F{kpi_2}]. How can I do that. Any help (including DB tricks) will be appreciated. Thank you.
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