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  1. I am running version 3.7.1-pro(Linux) hosted on Ubuntu 10-4 (32 bit) What is the host O/S you are using? Are you running on a virtual machine and how is it configured? Initially I got these error messages frequently, but this was reduced significantly when I altered my setup. I was running my jasper server sandbox on a Virtual machine using the Oracle Virtual Machine. After I changed the configuration from 4CPUs/4GB of memory to 2CPUs/4GB of memory, the number of times I got the error message dropped, however, I still get the error messages from time to time. At the moment I still get the error messages if I leave Excel open for a while (3 mins+) and then attempt to continue my analysis, or sometimes when I attempt to expand/collapse a row or filter component or just add a new filter to my workbook. There isn't an apparent pattern to this yet, but I will still keep at it.
  2. Has anyone provided a solution for this ? Have you been able to verify that your XML\A connection works? If not try this to verify that your catalog is set up correctly... Create a JNDI connection and provide the catalog name (jdbc\mycube) Test the connection and if it fails then you will have to setup the jasper server with this catalog name. To create a catalog On your jasper server installation.... go to <jasper-server-installation>\apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/META-INF Open the context.xml file with gedit If you have the sample data installed... You will see how they have listed their catalogs Make a copy of one of these and edit as required. See code section. Save... and restart your server. Test your JNDI connection again. If this works, then attempt to use the XML\A connection for any for analysis. Hope this helps. Code:<!-- You should have something like this (make changes where appropriate). /><Resource name="jdbc/testschema" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="jasperadmin" password="jasperadmin" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" validationQuery="select 1" testOnBorrow="true" url="jdbc:mysql:/serverdns:3306/testschema?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&autoReconnect=true&autoReconnectForPools=true"/>
  3. I have been having the same problem myself and was wondering if you have been able to find a solution. At the moment I can only determine that if I save my current analysis state, close and reopen Excel it works fine until I attempt to expand a dimension with several rows. From this, I can only say that it appears there needs to be a connection reset. It makes no sense for a user to constantly do this just so they can work in Excel. Please let me know if you found a solution to this problem. I will keep searching. If I find something useful, I will post here.
  4. Hi, I am kind of new to using the JasperETL tool and have successfully built functional dimension and fact tables; however I have run into an issue that I thought would be straight forward with the Jasper ETL tool but has been quite elusive. I have data sets in two tables. The first I would call Active cards and second Inactive cards. I am trying to create a new data set called Card_Accounts which would have a one-to-many relationship with the Cards(both Active and Inactive) but the condition to determine that a Card_Account is active stipulates that it should not have a card that is considered Inactive (it is possible to have cards in both data sets that belong to the same Card_Account). I am generating the list of Active Card_Accounts by doing a unique inner join between the source Card_Accounts table and the active_cards table (using the Card_Account_id), but I am also trying to exclude Card_Account records by setting a condition against the Inactive_cards table and this is where I am having trouble with the proper way to do this with the tMap or tFilterRow components. I have attached a jpg image showing how I currently have my tMap inner join setup, and for now I am just flagging the card account as having an inactive card. Thank you for any assistance. Post Edited by allen_shola at 10/15/2010 20:09
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