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Everything posted by jcordingley

  1. For anyone reading this, when creating the "default_master.properties" file, there is a setting in there which requires the directory of the tomcat server, i i overlooked this as it had a value set (albeit the wrong value)
  2. Hi, I am attempting to upgrade my 6.4 to 7.5 and i am following the guides. I am up to the point of running the js-upgrade-newdb-ce.sh script on my 6.4 export zip, however it crashes at this point with... Running pre-upgrade-test-ce Ant task.----------------------------------------------------------------------Buildfile: /home/jamie/Downloads/Jasperserver/jasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0-bin/buildomatic/build.xml[create-ks] WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.BUILD FAILED/home/jamie/Downloads/Jasperserver/jasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0-bin/buildomatic/build.xml:58: The following error occurred while executing this line:/home/jamie/Downloads/Jasperserver/jasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0-bin/buildomatic/bin/setup.xml:973: The following error occurred while executing this line:/home/jamie/Downloads/Jasperserver/jasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0-bin/buildomatic/bin/setup.xml:696: The following error occurred while executing this line:/home/jamie/Downloads/Jasperserver/jasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0-bin/buildomatic/bin/setup.xml:960: /home/jamie/Downloads/Jasperserver/jasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0-bin/buildomatic/C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 9.0/lib does not exist.[/code]I am running this on my local laptop as a test prior to running on the live server hence the downloads folder etc. What i am finding strange is i am running the shell script as i am on linux but it is spitting errors out for windows, Has anyone any ideas as to why? Like i say i have followed the upgrade guide in the docs to the letter to this point. Thanks Jamie
  3. Hi, I have a report which has a crosstab in it, the data within the crosstab are time values (java.sql.Time), most of the report works great however the Total section for the columns / rows are only showing the last column / rows value. I have the same report for integer values and this works absolutely fine. Has anyone any ideas as to why this would be happening? Thanks Jamie
  4. There are a few ways to do this the easiest way i find is First you need to add the jasperserver to the ireport repository navigator. Then right click the folder you want to add the report to, click add report unit, give the report a name, description etc. Then choose the jrxml file or choose the current file to be used then define the data soure ALL DONE!! i know the instructions are very basic but it really is that easy!
  5. Hi all, im new to ireport and have tried creating a report for some test results we have stored in a MSSQL db, i have created the report fine and have this working through jasperserver as i uploaded my report to the repository. However i would like to show a text field on the report for the amount of results returned from the database. I presume i can setup a variable named fieldcount and have this calculate the number of results using the calculation COUNT, but i cannot get this working, surely this cannot be that hard? Any help or ideas from people would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Jamie
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