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  1. Hi, it works greatly - thank you very much for your proposal to use the REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE parameter. Sincerly Wilfried
  2. Hi, I will try this as soon as possible - thank you for your help. Wilfried
  3. Hi, I'm working with iReport 4.0.0 and jasperreports 4.0.0 and I have the problem that language-switching due to the runtime parameter REPORT_LOCALE does not work. Nevertheless what I fill in that parameter - the result is always the same: jasperreport uses the default-locale of my system. The report works as desired if I switch the locale of my windows-pc - but the parameter is always ignored. All I want to do is to transfer the REPORT_LOCALE parameter into the report. I added an additional test-output ($P{REPORT_LOCALE}.toString( ))in the report in order to see whether the arriving parameter value is corresponding to the sending value - and it is!! I can change the REPORT_LOCALE value - but my report does not handle it!! My report always uses the property file according to my system default. It seems that the runtime environment does not evaluate the parameter correctly ??!!Does anyone know this bug and can help me? Sincerly Wilfried Code:void executeReportJrxml(String name) throws SQLException { // Datenbank Connection conn = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@...", "...", "..."); } catch (SQLException sqle) { ErrorHandler.handle(BaseLibErrorCodes.ERR_COMMON_ERROR, "Cannot connect to DB", sqle); } JasperPrint printout = null; try { // compilierten Report erzeugen InputStream strm = TimeScheduleChartCustomizer.class.getResourceAsStream(name + ".jrxml"); if (strm == null) { ErrorHandler.handle(BaseLibErrorCodes.ERR_COMMON_ERROR, "Could not find report" + name + ".jrxml"); return; } JasperReport report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(strm); // Parameter festlegen und den Report ausfüllen parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE, new Locale("en", "US")); parameters.put("REPORT_TIMEZONE", sessionUser.getTimezone()); parameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR", "com/eon/aim/reports/"); parameters.put("REPORT_USER", sessionUser.getName()); parameters.put("REPORT_USERPARAM_01", "70748,1270345,770382"); parameters.put("REPORT_USERPARAM_02", Timestamp.valueOf("2010-01-01 00:00:00")); printout = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameters, conn); } catch (JRException jre) { ErrorHandler.handle(BaseLibErrorCodes.ERR_COMMON_ERROR, "Problems with JasperReport", jre); } finally { conn.close(); } // und ausgeben JasperViewer.viewReport(printout); }}
  4. Hi Matt, I want to start my report now without iReport (see code below). And I want to to put the REPORT_LOCALE parameter into the report. I added an additional test-output ($P{REPORT_LOCALE}.toString( ))in the report in order to see whether the arriving parameter value is corresponding to the sending value - and it is!! I can change the REPORT_LOCALE value - but my report does not handle it!! My report always uses the property file according to my system default. It seems that the runtime environment does not evaluate the parameter correctly ??!! Can you help me please? Wilfried Code: void executeReportJrxml(String name) throws SQLException { // Datenbank Connection conn = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@...", "...", "..."); } catch (SQLException sqle) { ErrorHandler.handle(BaseLibErrorCodes.ERR_COMMON_ERROR, "Cannot connect to DB", sqle); } JasperPrint printout = null; try { // compilierten Report erzeugen InputStream strm = TimeScheduleChartCustomizer.class.getResourceAsStream(name + ".jrxml"); if (strm == null) { ErrorHandler.handle(BaseLibErrorCodes.ERR_COMMON_ERROR, "Could not find report" + name + ".jrxml"); return; } JasperReport report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(strm); // Parameter festlegen und den Report ausfüllen parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE, new Locale("en", "US")); parameters.put("REPORT_TIMEZONE", sessionUser.getTimezone()); parameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR", "com/eon/aim/reports/"); parameters.put("REPORT_USER", sessionUser.getName()); parameters.put("REPORT_USERPARAM_01", "70748,1270345,770382"); parameters.put("REPORT_USERPARAM_02", Timestamp.valueOf("2010-01-01 00:00:00")); printout = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameters, conn); } catch (JRException jre) { ErrorHandler.handle(BaseLibErrorCodes.ERR_COMMON_ERROR, "Problems with JasperReport", jre); } finally { conn.close(); } // und ausgeben JasperViewer.viewReport(printout); }}
  5. Hi, I'm working with iReport 4.0.0 and jasperreports 4.0.0 and I have the problem that language-switching due to REPORT_LOCALE does not work. Nevertheless what I fill in that parameter - the result is always the same: jasperreport uses the default-locale of my system. The report works as desired if I switch the locale of my windows-pc - but the parameter is always ignored. Does anyone know this problem - can anyone help me ?? Wilfried
  6. Hi, I need a gantt chart too. I'm using ireport 4.0.0 and this chart type is implemented. But I don't know how to use it. I just bought the book "the definitive guide to ireport" but this book is based on release 2.0 and gantt charts are not described. Is there any possibility to help me? I need help, because I'm trying to use this chart for several days - without any success. A short tutorial would help, perhaps....
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