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  1. Hi all. I'm currenty using ireport 3.7.5 and I have created a report with some elements on it. One of them is a rectangle that contains a text field. Since the text field size is variable, for that text field, I've set the property Stretch with overflow to true. The problem is the rectangle around the field does not grow properly along with the text. I've tried to set the rectangle stretch type to tallest object, and the rectangle grows too much (I suppose the "tallest object" in that moment is another object of the report). I've also tried to set it to band height with no result. How can I do it? Thanks in advance Jordi.
  2. Hi Carl and thanks for your reply. That <sup> tag would do the work perfectly. The problem is I need a styled text since there are some portions in that text that must be bold and that's the only way I found to show bold in PDF for a single piece of the text. One way to solve this issue (an ugly way but effective) is to create a small static text with the numbers and start playing with the position until it fits with the word more ore less. I'll keep on searching. Thanks again Carl. Cheers, Jordi,
  3. Hi all, I'm working on a report with some static text. Beside some words, there are numbers that match with some foot notes. I need those numbers to be smaller and aligned to top. I use styled text to decrease the numbers size,,,something like this: <text><![CDATA[see below<style size="5">1</style> for further information]]></text> ...but I cannot think of any attribute to align that number vertically to top. Is there any way to do it? Thanks in advance. Post Edited by blackflame at 11/24/2010 15:05
  4. I'm currently facing the same problem and I can't find any solution. Can somebody put some light on this issue please?
  5. Hi there, Using IReport 3.7.5, I'm trying to create a table component with another table component inside one of its rows. Theorically, it should be possible, but I'm facing some problems at the time of developing the idea. The source of my problems is I need a different datasource. Let me explain: In the past, I had a java bean with the following information: - String city_name - String city_population - List stores (containing): - String store_name - String store_adress I had a report which content was the city info and after that, a table with two columns. First column was the store name, and the second column, the store adress. For this, I used a java bean datasource (important thing) and everything was fine. It worked properly. Now I have the following information - String city_name - String city_population - List stores (containing) - String store_name - String store_adress - AND now also List products (with String product_name and String product_price) And for this, I've been asked to include a third column to show the different product features for each store. So I thought about using a nested table. The problem is related to the datasource. For the first (master) table I used a JRBeanDatasource with the store list object....and it worked. Now, when I deal with the second (slave) table, I suppose I should use another JRBeanDatasource with the product list object......but Ireport never find that object or at least is not available. It appears in red, never in green. How can I do it?
  6. Hello to everyone, I'm currently working with IReport 3.7.5. In the past, I successfully created a subreport which datasource is a Java bean throught setting a JRBeanCollectionDataSource as a datasource expression. What I'm trying to do now is something similar using a table component instead of a subreport but I'm not getting any success. What I do (or at least what I try to) is to create a dataset using the same connection the master report has. Next (the same way I do for the subreports) as a dataset query I use a javabean datasource which value is the bean the factory class is returing, and therefore the fields are now available. Great. Next I create the table and with the dataset I've just created, I add the fields, compile, execute and no data is displayed. After that I edit the table datasource in order to set a JRBeanCollectionDataSource as a datasource expression with one of the list object the factory is returning. Compile, execute and...no data displayed...even it does not show any header...like the table has never existed. What am I missing? To summarize: how can I create a table which datasource is a java bean instead of a sql statement? I'm a little confused about it all. I thought subreports and tables worked more or less the same when talking about datasources but it seems not. Thanks in advance, Jordi.
  7. Hi there! I'm currently working with IReport 3.7.5 and I'm facing the following problem. I have a master report with several rows of data but only with two columns. In the left column I have the name and surname of a person, and in the right column there is a subreport with only one column that says the different telephone numbers of that person. ------------------------- Name | Numbers ------------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ------------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------- When the telephone number subreport grows (for instance, three numbers for one person), no problem, the height of the box that contains the name and surname of the person, grows vertically due to I have set the stretch property to "tallest object". The thing is the name and surname box width is small, so in case the name and surnames value is long, it's being splitted into two lines and the height of the box that contains the name increases...BUT, what happens with the subreport if there is only one tel number for that long person? It does not fit, it remains short...and it can't grow because the subreport does not have the information of the master report height....or I simply don't know if there's a way to do it.. It happens this: Name | Numbers ----------------------- | -------------- ---------| Is there a way to solve this? Thanks in advance. Jordi.
  8. Hello everyone, I'm currently using ireport 3.7.5 and I have the following problem: I have a report with a subreport inside. When the subreport data reaches ALMOST the end of the page, it splits and starts again in the next page, when in fact, there is enought space before the footer to put more data in that first page. It won't happen with other elements, just with the subreports. Is it possible for that subreport to use that blank space at the bottom of the page? How? Thanks in advance, Jordi.
  9. Hi there I'm creating a report with Ireports 3.7.5. In my report there are two rectangles, one beside the other horizontally. In the left rectangle there is a static text and inside the right rectangle there is a subreport. I needed the first rectangle height to grow as much as the subreport do and I got it by setting the Stetch Type to Relative to tallest object. Here it comes the problem: When the subreport is more than one page long, the left rectangle height only reaches the end of the first page, and there is no trace of it from the second page on. Something like this: (first page) ------------. ------------------------- | HELLO | some data | | |------------------------ | | | some data | . . . | | some data | |------------------------------------- (end of first page) (second page) ------------------------ | some data | | --------------------- | | some data | . . . |____________| (end of second page - no trace of the left rectangle in this page) How can I do to make the first rectangle to fit the whole subreport height? Thanks in advance!
  10. Hi there! I've been taking a look to lots of threads about overlapping but none gave me the answer to my problem. The thing is I have a report with 5 subreports....and only below the subreport number 3, I have a static text. I want that text to be some sort of footer to that subreport number 3 (only for that page). In case my subreport number 3 has only a few rows, no problem: the static text (set to relative to top fix position), appears at the bottom of the page. Fine. But, in case that subreport has lots of rows and that means, more that one page for that rep, the text appears in page num 3 but overlapped with the subreport data. I tried to put a page break between the subreport and the text but it makes the text to appear in the second page for that sub. The thing is I want that static text to appear in the FIRST page of my subrep number 3. Any solution for this? Suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  11. Solved! At the time of doing the report query I was selecting the factory class instead of the bean class and that's why there were no attributes in the list. Thanks anyway! Cheers.
  12. Hi everyone, I'm new on these boards and also on IReport (v3.7.5) and I need some help. I'm trying to use a simple javabean as a datasource. I've found what I think is enough documentation in order to do this but I'm not getting any success at the time of adding the bean fields into the report. I have a jar file with two classes in the same package. The first one is the bean class that has two String attributes, two constructor (one empty and the other one with the attributes) and the getter and setter method for the attributes. On the other hand, I have what they call the factory class and method. The factory method is static and returns a Vector (well I tried also with Collections, ArrayList, Lists, arrays...etc); inside it just creates an instance of the bean with some data, puts it into the vector and returns it. After creating the jar file for these classes, I'm adding it into the iReport classpath. After that I'm creating the datasource selecting the javabean datasource (the test button says success) and then I'm going to the Report Query button (the one at the left of the max and min buttons at the top of the report) and when I choose JavaBeanDatasource - Read Attributes (putting the factory class in the box) I'm only getting the java.lang.class; no trace of the two bean attributes. What I'm doing wrong? Thanks a lot in advance.
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