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Everything posted by trrrrev

  1. in the "Report Query" editor the button "Read Fields" is used to execute the parameterized query. However, at some point in the recent past this button causes a "show full columns from " on every table in the selected database. How can I turn this off? This takes several minutes for me, since I attached remotely to the database. Cheers, Trevor
  2. When exporting a jasperserver reports as a CSV from a windows machine, all the data appears in a single line, eventhough the report produces several lines. Apparently the windows "\r\n" is not being added to the CSV. Jasperser is running on a linux machine. Using Excel to open the CSV on a windows does work, however this is clunky, jasperreports should be able to export correctly for my client OS. I have tried adding "\r\n" to the last column in the report. However, this did not work. Any ideas? Thanks, Trevor
  3. By default piechart is clockwise rotation. How can one set it to counterclockwise? Where can I find all the available attributes inside <pieChart> ? or any other jrxml element for that matter? Thanks.
  4. problem solved. The issues is the known bug in iReports 4.1 and up, by which text field expression class is not saved.
  5. Yeah, the types im referring to are the text field types, not the field types. The field types are also numeric. Is their a way to dump java properties for a running java? I want to verify that the excel export setting is being loaded.
  6. Greetings. Upon exprorting a report to either XLSX or Excel various java numerical types (BigDecimal,integer,double,float,number) are converted to "text" on export. Apparently adding the following line net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type=true to the file apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties should fix the problem. But it hasn't , and yes I restarted the jasperserver after making the change. out setup. jasperserver 4.1.0 , linux. Any ideas?
  7. thanks for the reply. I did have to use convert_tz, but being able to set the session variable "timezone" is a better solution. it makes the query far less readable to have convert_tz() around every time variable.
  8. Thanks for the reply. Let me try to explain clearly. Let's say I have a report with a single column ( # of users ) and this data is displayed for the time range provided by the user. i.e. User input ( starttime:2012-01-01,endtime:2012-01-09) The output would look like : Day # of Users 1/1/12 10 1/2/12 15 1/3/12 20 .... 1/9/12 40 I want this report to allow the user to specify the timezone.( from a drop down menu) User input ( starttime:2012-01-01,endtime:2012-01-09,timezone=EST) I can use the same report query as I did above, IF I can "set timezone=EST" on the database connection. Hope that makes it clear.
  9. Greetings. Its very simple problem, I have a report which needs to run in a user specified timezone. Before jasperserver, I accomplished this via a mysql session variable. set time_zone = 'timezone specified by user' ; which I set before running the query, and then set back to whatever it was. Very simple. However, with Jaspersoft I can not find a way to run "preparatory sql" before the main query runs for a report. Setting the time_zone in the database makes solving this easy, surely there must be some way to run generic sql BEFORE the main query in a jaspersoft report, or perhaps there is some trickery with the REPORT_TIME_ZONE parameter that will cause jasperserver to set the timezone to an input paramter. Thanks, Trevor Post Edited by trrrrev at 01/09/2012 22:23
  10. Greetings, The row order displayed by ireport or jasperserver is different from the raw order in the underlying query. Running mysql, so query logging has been turned on so I can see the raw query produced by ireports/jasperserver. The query returns the correct row order but both ireports and jasperserver are displaying the rows in a different order. The report is very simple. What post sql result processing could change row order? Here is the query select a.station, a.show, a.votes, a.rockets, a.bombs, a.messages, a.chats, a.rocks, a.sucks, bs.chatters, bs.active_uniques as actives from ( SELECT s.`identity` AS `station`, ss.`name` AS `show`, ss.id as show_id, sum(ues.votes)as votes, sum(ues.rockets) as rockets, sum(ues.bombs) as bombs, sum(ues.messages) as messages, sum(chats) as chats, sum(rocks) as rocks, sum(sucks) as sucks, ss.start_time as starttime, ss.stop_time as stoptime FROM `station_show` as ss INNER JOIN station as s on s.id = ss.station_id INNER JOIN `user_events_summary` as ues ON ss.`id` = ues.`slice_value` WHERE 1=1 and ues.slice_type = 'show' and ues.hour >= $P{search_starttime} and ues.end <= $P{search_stoptime} and if($P{search_show} is null,1,ss.name rlike $P{search_show}) and if($P{search_station} is null,1,s.identity rlike $P{search_station}) group by ss.id ) as a left join bin_summary as bs on ( bs.slice_type = 'show' and bs.slice_value = a.show_id and bs.start = a.starttime and bs.end = a.stoptime) order by $P!{order_field} The reports includes a summary line "in the summary band" and it includes a single type to alternate row color. Otherwise this report is the basic "fields in details band" report. Cheers, Trevor
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