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Everything posted by rehara

  1. That did the trick. Thanks Is that how you force a change from prepared statements? Do you have a link in to the documentation for this? Thanks again
  2. I installed JasperServer via the install binary on Slackware(12.1) 2 days ago. I got Postgres to work by using the driver: postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar I know almost nothing about Java, but the lastest driver would not work for me because I think the my JVM 1.5 and the latest driver is for 1.6 (??) The one above works fine but. Post Edited by rehara at 09/23/2010 00:04
  3. Hi All, My search on this topic have not gone well so I hope someone here may have some insight. I have highly partitioned data. The partition logic is off loaded to the clients for speed. I'm attempting to use the tool chain iReport->JasperServer to interact with this data. The data is bulk time series stuff. I have successfully created a report with a control to gather the required table name from the user. The Query: select $P{parameter1} as series, value, dt from lrw_1_speed where dt > now() - interval '1 hour'; Produces the expect results. But what I want is: select $P{parameter1} as series, value, dt from $P{parameter1} where dt > now() - interval '1 hour'; The following error is reported by the PostgreSQL server ( 8.2.4 ): ERROR: syntax error at or near "$2" at character 37 STATEMENT: select $1 as series, value, dt from $2 where dt > now() - interval '1 hour'; This fails too: select fred as series, value, dt from $P{parameter1} where dt > now() - interval '1 hour'; Suggestions? Thanks.
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