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Everything posted by nimal

  1. It's possible to do with : SELECT $P!{Column_name} AS Alias, […] FROM […]
  2. I have a cast exception I can resolve with this solution ! It's waiting for BigDecimal. How can I cast to a "string" ?
  3. Maybe is it possible with something like this: CASE WHEN $P{param} = 'fix' THEN m.TOTEM WHEN 'Sexe'='Cotisation' THEN m.COTISATION END as Field_0 ???
  4. Hi, I have to prepare a report (with iReport 3.7.3) within the user can choose the visuables fields himself. I tried something like this : SELECT DISTINCT (m.name || ' ' || m.name2) AS Nom, CASE WHEN 'gsm' = $P{VAR_Field_0} THEN m.GSM_TIERS END AS Field_0, CASE WHEN 'gsm' = $P{VAR_Field_1} THEN m.GSM_TIERS END AS Field_1, CASE WHEN 'gsm' = $P{VAR_Field_2} THEN m.GSM_TIERS END AS Field_2, CASE WHEN 'gsm' = $P{VAR_Field_3} THEN m.GSM_TIERS END AS Field_3, CASE WHEN 'gsm' = $P{VAR_Field_4} THEN m.GSM_TIERS END AS Field_4, CASE WHEN 'branche' = $P{VAR_Field_0} THEN m.BRANCHE END AS Field_0, CASE WHEN 'branche' = $P{VAR_Field_1} THEN m.BRANCHE END AS Field_1, CASE WHEN 'branche' = $P{VAR_Field_2} THEN m.BRANCHE END AS Field_2, CASE WHEN 'branche' = $P{VAR_Field_3} THEN m.BRANCHE END AS Field_3, CASE WHEN 'branche' = $P{VAR_Field_4} THEN m.BRANCHE END AS Field_4 […] but, of course, it can't work because of the duplicate fields. I've well found some solutions — I'd tried with a stored procedure — here but they don't work with an Oracle database. (Only the first field is filled) I realy need to quikly develop this report and don't see any other solution. If someone can help me. Thanks Post Edited by nimal at 09/21/2010 11:00 Post Edited by nimal at 09/22/2010 08:30
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