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Everything posted by abrito10

  1. hello, thanks for the response, but this was a mistake at the time that I generated this test file, I realized I had not inserted twice (Name =, displayName = $ {cidade} F), even removing the element of this report does not work, checking and comparing the two noticed the lack of some IMPORTS, when I run it in the application that generated the 3.0 returns the correct information and in 4.5 it returns NULL Post Edited by abrito10 at 03/23/2012 14:27
  2. Hello I have great difficulty to work with the iReport 4.5.1., Use the version 3.0.0 create my reports with the fields loaded through the JavaBean Datasource without probemas funcina everything right, I downloaded the new version compiled a report for testing and did not work I made a new report in an identical 3.0 and 4.5 in both the compiled report the 3.0 works the same feat in 4.5 does not work. anyone have any suggestions or know me know what I'm doing wrong. follows the XML of the two reports.
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