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Everything posted by c_sbg

  1. Thanks for you information, now I can investigate further!
  2. Hello, I am definitely no expert when it comes to jasperReports but we are running a system that uses it to create some pdf reports with table data. These report implementations are I guess 3-5 years old and there has not been many changes to them, the reports are actually still running jasperReports version 1.2.1. No we have got the requirement to support Hebrew and Arabic languages which are written right-to-left (RTL). Changing our html web gui has been proven to be quite easy but the task to change the pdf-reports remains and I have som questions: I guess a good start is to upgrade to a current version of JasperReports. Is that recommended for RTL? Is it a big task to upgrade? Are there any good step-by-step upgrade descriptions available? Has anyone made a succesful change of reports to a RTL language? What are the required steps? Any unsolved problems? I guess you have to have a separate set of report definition files as the overall direction RTL can't be set on document level from what I have read, is this correct?Any hints are appreciated! regards /Christian
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