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Everything posted by saman0suke

  1. Hi guys, I have a problem ,and I don't know how to solve it, I'm creating a report with 5 subreports, all of them in the summary band, and a "main" table in the Detail band, everything is working, except for the page numbers, because I put them in the PageFooter band but they are only visible on the first page (Detail band), and when the summary starts on the second and third page(in my case) I cannot see the page numbers, is there any way that I can add page numbers on Summary band? I'm using iReport 3.0.0, thank you, and have a nice day. Post Edited by saman0suke at 01/05/2011 21:57 Post Edited by saman0suke at 01/05/2011 21:57
  2. Ok I got, it was just a format problem, I added the "total result" rectangle that I created into "column footer" band, then I defined this band as floating, then the problem about the extra page we because the summary band was too large so, since I moved the rectangle to the column footer area, I minimized the size of the summary band and the extra page dissapeared, thanks!!!
  3. Hi, I already created a report with 4 subreports on it, all of them in the summary band, and the main query is on the detail band, I was using No pagination but I was not able to display the page numbers, so I disabled that and now I can see the page numbers but two problems appeared: First, I got on column header band, the options of the report (name, value, price) ,etc, then the detail shows the result of the query and then on summary band I added another horizontal bar displaying the total of the receipt prices (in my report) it was working fine without pagination but now the bar on summary band appears until the next page, and on the first I can only see the header and the result query but I need to have the footer as well! Second, since I turned on pagination (which I need) I always get a blank page at the end of the report, with no data on it, I would like to remove it, I don't have "summary on new page" option enabled, and I'm only using title, column header, detail, page footer, summary, and no data bands, I would appreciate your help ,thank you!!
  4. Thanks! actually I made a mistake, as you said I was expecting to seee the variables from the subreport into the dropdown list, but I just entered the name manually and assigned it to the main report variable, and it worked!! THANK YOU!
  5. THANKS A LOT, you gave a starting point, so I went to variable option, and I entered on "Initial value expression" something like this: $F{total_paid}.valueOf(0.00) and it worked, now, when I have results, it shows the results and when there is nothing it shows 0.00 PERFECT to perform a sum! THANKS!
  6. Hello, I'm sending SUM Variable values from 2 subreports to the main report in order to get a final result, the problem is that sometimes subreport 1 or 2 does not have any data, so the variable SUM becomes NULL, and I cannot perform variable 1 + variable2 since one of the is NULL, is there any way to send the variable SUM with number 0 when there is no results on any of the queries( subreport 1 or 2) so I can still show one of the values, thanks!
  7. Hello, I have a problem, I'm using iReport 3.0.0 at work, and working with some subreports, trying to return some values to the main one, I created variables on the subreport, but when I try to assign them to the variable that I created on the main one, it does not appear on the list, so I checked on the internet and I found some people who are actually editing the XML because it's like the application does not save the variables properly, so I did it and it worked, now I can see the value and the variables from the subreport assigned to the main report, I though that it was a problem of this old version so now that I'm trying at home with version 3.7.4 it's the same! I cannot see the subreport variables on the list when I try to assign them to the main report variable, is there something that I might be missing in the process? thanks in advanced!!
  8. Hello, I'm new on this and I'm trying to display my report on a new window, it's working fine, but instead on being loaded in the current window that I am, I want to have it on a new one, So I don't have to press the back button on the browser to get backto the previous page, I'm working with JSP and MySQL, It's supposed that you can use Javascript, but I don't know, thanks in advanced!
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