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  1. I'm having a little problem. I have a report and use it within a subreport. He is filling the PDF correctly, but when I export are some huge breaks pages. How can I fix this? Below are the files used. Thanks in advance... Fernando Gomes
  2. Because with the latest one I'm getting this error... I thought it was something wrong with Adobe Reader, but talking on the forum I realized it could be a problem with itext I suspect there is something wrong with iText... Post Edited by fgomes1983 at 09/16/2010 16:38
  3. The iText package names changed from com.lowagie to com.itextpdf... But Jasper looks for com.lowagie... Is there any way to tell Jasper to search the current package?
  4. I'm using Jasper Report 3.7.4 with iText 5.0.4... I'm getting the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lowagie/text/DocumentException at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(JasperExportManager.java:158) What could it be ? Thanks in advance...
  5. Ahhhhhhhhhhh... Oh my God... Adobe sucks... I'm using Adobe Reader 8.2.4 and there is a bug... Opening the file by Foxit Reader everything is ok... Thanks for the reply... Help me a lot...
  6. Hi everyone, I'm having a big problem when doing a PDF export whit large amounts of data. I have a list with about 3500 records. When I export to PDF, only displays a blank page. When I export it to Excel, everything works perfectly. When I have a list with fewer records, export to Excel works both as to PDF. Below are the codes used to export to PDF and Excel. My application uses Struts 2. I'm using Jasper 3.7.4 and Java 1.5_22. I am attaching a PDF that is generated when I export. Grateful if you can help me. I'm going crazy with this problem. Thanks, Fernando Gomes Code: Post Edited by fgomes1983 at 09/04/2010 03:12 Post Edited by fgomes1983 at 09/08/2010 21:15
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