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Everything posted by jwatne

  1. I am interested in knowing this, as well. I am getting similar Exceptions when attempting to use "or" clauses. Post Edited by jwatne at 08/25/2011 10:58 AM
  2. Hi, neilelliott. I would suggest section 7.2, "The DomEL Syntax", in the JasperReports Server User Guide, that is bundled with the JasperReports Server download.
  3. Please disregard this question. On further consideration, I realized that it would not be possible to get jiuser.id, which is internal to the repository database, from the separate, external acegi Object. I found another way to do what I need to do.
  4. Is there a way to retrieve the equivalent to jiuser.id from the authentication.principal object? What I am looking for is something that would be similar to how authentication.getPrincipal().getUserName() = jiuser.username, or authentication.getPrincipal().getTenantId() = jiuser.tenantId. I am working with JasperReports Server 4.0 Professional, trying to use row-based security in a domain to restrict views to data for sites to which a user has access. The filter uses the following tables: tl_site - Information on the sites, with site_id as primary key vr_user_sites - a table that matches assigned tl_site.id site values to the appropriate users' jiuser.id values. My filterExpression in the security XML file is as follows: tl_site.site_id in (assigned_sites()) assigned_sites is entered in the map for the "functionTemplates" property of the "defaultSQLGenerator" bean as follows: <entry key="assigned_sites"> <value> "select site_id from vr_user_sites where user_id =" + groovy((new Integer(authentication.getPrincipal().getId())).toString()) </value> </entry> I got a RuntimeException when attempting to run a report with a user to whom this filter is applied, with the final cause shown in the log as follows: Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.impl.client.MetadataUserDetails.getId() is applicable for argument types: () values: []Possible solutions: getAt(java.lang.String), wait(), wait(long), grep(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), each(groovy.lang.Closure) I got a similar error, but for a nonexistent field, when replacing "getId()" above with "id". So, is it possible to get the value for jiuser.id from the authentication.principal object, or should the vr_user_sites table be modified to include the jiuser.username and jiuser.tenantId values as well, and then match against these? Thanks much!
  5. Hello. With regard to the recommended hardware specifications for JasperServer 3.7: 40 GB+ Disk, 1 GB+ RAM, and 1.5 GHz+ multi-core Pentium: Would these requirements be roughly the same for JasperReports Server 4.0? Would the additional features of the Enterprise Addition require higher-specification equipment? From what I have read here and elsewhere, it seems the recommended specifications scale primarily with the number of concurrent users. Are there any sort of guidelines as to how the RAM (and, to a lesser extent, I would imagine, disk space) requirements increase with number of concurrent users? For the particular project I am working on, we are planning for a maximum of approximately 100 concurrent users during the one peak time of the week.Thanks much!
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