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Everything posted by specialagent00

  1. Hi Teodor, Thx for the ideas - I also think it must be a problem with the JDBC driver, I have asked Oracle about it . However my encoding is not explicitely listet in the driver´s specification - so I will have to wait for an Oracle answer. Probably it will be necessary to write my own converter function.... Thanks Post Edited by specialagent00 at 08/24/2010 11:39
  2. Hi Theodor, Thanks for the reply I've tried a test report out of ireports with output as html,pdf, jasperViewer and they don´t show the characters ("?" are only in PDF, the others have square symbols). Our main application where we run the reports is a delphi.exe where we create a XML parameter file and pass it to tomcat which executes the report files (thos include the select statements). sessions are being used of the delphi application which runs with ISO-8859-2 I have checked settings on pretty all sides (DB,delphi,tomcat,windows) to make sure i have my ISO-8859-2 anywhere but running out of ideas.... Thanks
  3. Hello World, I have a problem with our generated PDF reports: I have an Oracle Database with EE8ISO8859P2 character set and the slovenian special characters (Ä‘špžćÄ...) are stored correctly. PDF displays the static text fields correct (where i write special characters as unicode in the locale files) but with dynamically fields it does not work and we only get question marks. I have tried to set the text fields "PDF Encoding" value to couple of encodins, including ISO-8859-2, I have tried cominations of other fonts, embedding etc but still I can´t get my special characters to display correctly. There are pretty a lot threads online but there never seems to be an answer that works for me so any help is highly appreciated. Thanks
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