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  1. Unfortunately I got no answers. I am new to iReport and JasperReport. I try to explain the problem in another way. I created a report, sorting the customers in descending order. The SQL statement delivers all records from the database, but in the report I want to see only the first 10 records. What do I have to do? Is there a parameter which I can set? I read, that the Parameter REPORT_MAX_COUNT can do set. But where I can set it? In the Parameter definition there is no possibility to set it to 10 and there is also no default value? [by the way: I do not want to change the SQL statement to work with where rownum<=10 or something like that.] Can anyone help me, please? Thank you.
  2. Hi, I created a Report "Top 10 Customers" in iReport. I would like to show only the first tem records. I read that the Parameter REPORT_MAX_COUNT must be set. How can I do this in iReport?
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