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Everything posted by apx1sharma

  1. I was writing a simple program for creating a basic Jasper report. My reports were blank. After doing some googling, I realised below statement was wrong: JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile("HelloJasper.jasper",jasperParameter); I added a DataSource in above line and things started working. JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile("HelloJasper.jasper",jasperParameter, new JREmptyDataSource()); My question is: Is this mandatory to provide a Datasource for creating Report? I mean, can't my program create Reports without a DataSource()? There is overriden version of fillReport() in JasperFillManager.class that does not accept DataSource. What is that for? Post Edited by apx1sharma at 10/08/2010 02:22
  2. I was trying to prepare a comparision sheet covering available Reporting toos available in Java and their pros and cons. There are lot of Open Source tools available: JCCKit, JasperReports, BIRT, jCharts, DataVision, OpenReports etc.. though I could not find comparative study for these tools. Would like to know, if you could throw some light on these?
  3. Thanks for reply. I too have observed, the IReport window prompt for input for parameter with "isForPrompting" attribute set to true. However in regular Java program (one shown above) i don't see that. also I don't see any use of this parameter, because the usable report will be generated in most cases in one of the commonly available format HTML, PDF, EXCEL etc...and not IReport custom window.
  4. I'm new to Jasper reports. Can anyone help me explaining how isForPrompting works? I have a Java program as below: ---------------------------------------------------------- jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("sample_report.jrxml"); // filling report with data from data source jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,jasperParameter, connection); // exporting process JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint,"sample_report.pdf"); ---------------------------------------------------------- The JRXML file contains a parameter as shown below: <parameter name="Comments" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="true"> <parameterDescription> <![CDATA[Please type here the report comments, if any]]> </parameterDescription> </parameter> However while running my program, It never says or prompt for any run time parameter. When I click on report generated by Java program (that's a PDF file) it doesn't promt for any parameter. I don't know what I'm missing here? I would like to know how this parameter can be used, specially how the program will throw a prompt to end user? Post Edited by apx1sharma at 08/05/2010 04:08
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